Thursday, September 23, 2010

Feather Dusters for Dummies info...

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This is not my page. It belongs to the owner of the site below.

If you have found this posted here it was by invite only. Do Not share this link with your friend, Do Not share it with your best friend, Do Not share it with your mother, Do Not share it with your brother. Don't fucking say one mother-fucking word about this ever!!!

Share the link only! Out of respect share that link only. Don't be an asshole, don't be a punk and don't shit on me!

I "Only" made this post for a text only version for printing to read offline on your lunch break at work or whatever. None of the templates are here, none of the useful stuff is here except the reading and that is only useful for self-education purposes. 
 Thank you,,,

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How to Make ID Cards and How to Create a new Identity or how to make a fake PVC ID card.

The information on this site is presented for academic study only and should be approached with great caution.  Some of the products or services (or combination thereof) discussed in this site may not currently (or in the future) be legal for use, possession, sale, or interstate transportation in certain jurisdictions.  Therefore, you have the responsibility to consult with local law enforcement or obtain legal advice.  In no way is this site an encouragement or endorsement to violate any laws or experiment with any activities of a criminal nature.  You assume full responsibility for any application, direct or indirect, of the contents.

While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that information and data provided herein is accurate, the author does not accept any legal liability for the answers given or the information or data herein.  In particular, but without limitation, no reliance should be placed on the answers, information, or data provided without recourse to independent verification. The answers, information, or data is for information only and is provided in good faith, to the best of our knowledge and belief, based on the sources of information available to the author.  Keep in mind the possibility of error and reflect independently in every instance.  All liability for misrepresentation (other than fraudulent) and other torts (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) is hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

This site will explain how to make free or inexpensive professional looking 30 Mil PVC ID cards and documents, how to create a new identity and aliases, and how to disappear. There are several ID templates you can download and more may be added (see the page Downloads & Requests). Also, instructions on how to make an embossed seal are in the sub-topic ID Documents on the page Make ID Cards & Documents.

No one has the right to create aliases and false identities for the purpose of committing fraud. And, there is no justification in obtaining aliases to fraudulently obtain Social Security benefits, loans, and other government aid, including Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, Food Stamps, and Medicaid.  In those cases, fines and prison is justified and proper.

I believe, except for fraud or to harm someone, anyone has the natural and moral right to assume whatever identity he or she chooses. In this regard, I believe the methods described in this site can be helpful.  The methods described on this site are adequate in normal situations where the other party is not risking money such as when renting an apartment or P.O. Box,  or even opening a bank account. However, the methods are not adequate to commit fraud or to harm someone.

To rent an apartment, you pay a month's rent in advance and you make a security deposit. The other party is taking your money; they are not taking a risk so they will not inspect your ID card carefully.  The same logic applies in opening a bank account. The bank takes your money and they will not let you overdraw so they are not taking a risk. However, if you wish to use your ID to cash a check, the other party is taking a risk so they will give it your ID and check a more complete examination.

Furthermore, where you are not attempting to do harm, there is little, if any, reason to call the police and the police are not interested even if called.  The same does not apply where you attempt to do harm, they will call the police and, since you would be committing a real crime, the police are very interested.

There are many valid reasons to change your identity or to have an alias:

You may wish to temporary change the age on your ID card to get into a club. I believe that is a valid reason, provided your state allowed someone your age to buy alcohol before the states were forced to pass the current laws under duress. Contracts entered into under threats are not valid.  I believe the same reasoning applies to laws.  Since the Federal Government forced the states to increase the age to 21 by threatening to withhold their money, in my opinion, the laws are invalid.

As stated by the first Chief Justice of the United States, juries (and, I believe, therefore the citizens) have the right to judge both the law and the facts. Provided there is no intent to do harm, I believe anyone has the natural right to assume an alias and to create whatever documents are necessary. Therefore, while I don't make the documents, I will explain some methods that should be adequate. How you choose to use the information and, whether or not you agree, is up to you. Valid reasons for making ID cards and documents and/or create a new identity include the following:

A new identity would help men and especially young men that cannot find employment after being released from prison and paying their debt to society. This is especially applicable to the untold thousands of innocent men convicted of crimes they did not commit. And, millions wrongfully convicted and sent to prison for using drugs when they were harming no one other than possibly themselves.

A new identity could be helpful to half of dozen people that had their identity stolen. This would especially apply to the man that was arrested several times because the person that stole his identity used his identity to commit crimes. Even after he proved he did not commit the crimes, law enforcement, refused to correct their records. Instead of correcting their records, they required that he keep a document to show the police whenever he was stopped.

An alias offers privacy. An alias can help protect you from women that lie about being on birth control or steal your sperm from a used condom. Considering that their fraud could end up costing you at least $250,000, it may be wise to have the additional protection of using an alias.

A new identity might be helpful to young teenage males ordered to pay child support after they were statutorily raped by older women.  That is outrageous, but that is how the courts have ruled and the women were not penalized for rape. Although women can be punished or fired from their job, only women receive money from the victim when they commit the crime of statutory rape.

A new identity would be helpful to men ordered to pay alimony and child support that sometimes exceeds their income based on imputed income.

An alias or alternate identity is something you may want as insurance against future events that could happen and in which case you would need a new identity.

Fifty years ago, it would have been easy to get another identity.  A driver license was just a license to drive and social security cards were only for social security purposes.  Things have changed and, in my opinion, not for the better.  Now, in the USA and most other countries, it is difficult to create an alternate identification.  Although used to establish date of birth (DOB), birth certificates are not considered proof of identity. The old method of assuming a dead person's identity is well known and new procedures makes it very risky.  Also, states use security features on birth certificates such as Watermarks, Intaglio, Serial Numbers, Steel Engraved Borders, Ultraviolet Ink, Security Threads, Micro-Line Printing, and Substrate Paper or Ink.

Furthermore, obtaining a delayed birth certificate is extremely difficult.  The following is the requirement for Texas for children age 15 or older and Texas is one of the least difficult states:  Three (3) or more documents are required to prove date of birth and place of birth. One of these records must verify parents' names. Any record, other than an affidavit, must be five (5) years old or older. At least one document should have been created within 10 years of birth.

Even if you do obtain an accepted birth certificate and obtain a driver's license or state ID card, you may need a SSN.  Anyone age 12 or older requesting an original Social Security number card must appear for an interview at a Social Security office. You must be able to prove age and identity. Most likely he or she will be asked why someone their age doesn't already have a SSN. If you say you were in an asylum or lived out of the country you will need to provide proof.

Furthermore, Social Security regulations require verification of a birth record for all U.S.-born applicants of any age who apply for an original Social Security number. To verify a birth record, Social Security will contact the office that issued it.

Creating a New Identity

Creating a new identity can range from easy to almost impossible. In any event, it is not as bad as the foregoing implies. The laws are not written in stone. Consider them guidelines.  It requires effort to verify a birth record with the office that issued it; therefore, unless the clerk is suspicious, he or she likely will decide to forgo the effort required to confirm the validity of the documents.

The one upside to this prolonged recession and likely upcoming depression is that states will have less tax receipts and will have to make cuts including reducing staff.  Expensive to make DLs and IDs and the expenses of checking and verifying is one area that may be cut. Also, when there are cuts in the staff that puts more work on the remaining staff. The staff will be far more concerned about their jobs than they are about verifying a person's identification.  Furthermore, they will resent the extra work so likely they will just sign off but skip the actual verification.

In any event, I am finding that it is far more difficult to create ID documents such as driver licenses than I initially believed it would be.  One difficult part when making a fake state issued ID is making or acquiring the holograms. Typically, the hologram on a state ID is the state seal. And, I have discovered that any similar holograms are not available.  The one exception is the Great Seal which is very close to the holograms on the new enhanced Florida DLs and IDs.  It requires more effort but you can make a simulated hologram that appears to be hologram. I will provide the details in the topic Make ID Cards & Documents, subtopic PVC ID Cards.

This is a not for profit website. I do not sell anything.  I don't wish to provide any justification to claim that my right to free speech is not protected because it can be construed to be commercial speech. For a nominal price you can purchase small quantities of 30 mil blank PVC ID, cards, security paper, and other material on eBay and other places.  On eBay search for IDs transcripts.  Also search for ID cards and search for security paper

Subject to the conditions stated on the page, Downloads & Requests, if you need a PVC ID card and/or very small quantities of security paper and other material, I will mail them without charge.  Contact me at
or by phone and fax at 1 (870) 216-0050.



 My Philosophy, Ideas, and Reasons for this Website
Since the subject of my site is about creating a new identity, I will keep my philosophy brief.  Besides it would take hundreds of pages and others can explain it so much better.

One hundred or even fifty years ago America was basically a free country.  That is no longer true or at least it is less true.  People give up freedom for security but in time that leads to a police state in which the people lose both their freedom and their security. I believe it was Benjamin Franklin that said People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.

Except for the last few decades, for all of human history, young men and women could travel to another location and leave their past behind. They would have to prove themselves at the new location.  However, if they were basically good individuals, they could establish a new life.  Truly bad individuals would continue their evil ways and end up killed or imprisoned.

This ability to start fresh acted as a safety valve.  Now with almost no place to go, the resentment builds up like a pressure cooker until they explode and perhaps even go on a murderous rampage.  That is far more harmful to society than allowing a safety valve where a few people can start a new life. I am in favor of allowing good people and, even bad people, an opportunity to put their past behind them.  Hopefully, the information in this web site will help provide a few individuals that opportunity.

People have rights. The state is not a living being; it has no rights so if you have no intent to defraud or harm anyone, you have the moral right to copy and alter birth certificates, driver licenses, and other government issued documents, and to lie to their agents.  After all, at least in principal, they work for you--you are the boss and they are your servants.  However, they claim the agents of the state have the right to lie to the citizens and to punish you should you exercise your rights. In any event, as Chairman Mao famously said, "all power comes from the barrel of a gun." They have the guns so it is wise not to assert your rights too strongly.

It is difficult to buy a driver license or a good quality ID on the internet because of the laws against providing such documents.  They can sell you the material to make an ID card or driver license and one company does.  Also, I will explain how to make inexpensive ID cards and documents that are far better than most of you find on the internet.

Every young man should have an alternate identity with government issued documents because, with our ever growing police state, you never know when you might need to use your alternate identity to disappear.

Obtaining a driver license may not be difficult and it makes a good alias. However, to change your identity and disappear, a driver license is the minimum requirement and even then it will only suffice if your work involves moving furniture, handyman type jobs, or similar work where you are paid by homeowners, renters, and/or others that don't ask for or require a tax identification number.  Also, the problem with obtaining a state issued driver license is that all states are requiring a SSN or a letter from the Social Security Administration to issue a driver license. The states don't put your SSN on the driver license but it is part of the documentation you must provide to be issued a driver license.

The most difficult government issued identification documents to obtain are a delayed birth certificate and a Social Security card. Typically, for a delayed birth certificate, the state will require 3 documents at least 10 years old showing your date of birth and documents proving the identity of your parents. Otherwise, Vital Records will require a court order and you still must apply to them first and submit a form provided by Vital Records to the court.  If you can acquire a SSN, you may not need a birth certificate.  A driver license and a SSN is all you need for a new identity for most types of employment.  However, without a birth certificate it is very difficult to obtain a SSN.

This site is non-profit and I am providing the information as a service. If requested I may provide certain items without charge. However, I will not accept any payment for the items.

ID Cards

How to Make ID Cards
Please do understand that, within the pages of this and other titles, I am not urging you to break any laws.  This is only a discussion and you should use great caution before making any novelty ID or other identification that could be used as a fake identity.

Even if a novelty ID is a very accurate reproduction of a state issued driver license, it is obvious that an ID card such as a driver license with a new born, cartoon characters, or movie stars are only novelty cards and cannot be used as fake IDs.

Making an alias ID is very risky business.  You should carefully consider who might be looking for you and how far they will go to find you.  Don't under construct an identification for your situation.  There are three kinds of ID cards that can be used as an alias or fake ID.  Using somebody else's ID card; procuring a bona fide ID through fake paperwork; and manufacturing what looks to be a bona fide ID.  The first two are typically government issued and the third you issue to yourself.  Each has uses and limitations.

In addition to the supplies needed to make ID cards and other documents used for identification, you will need a color printer, copier, scanner, and a photo edit program such as Photoshop. Kwink Kopy and similar places have self service computers, color printers, scanners, and copiers that you can use for a nominal charge.

You can download a thirty day free trial of Adobe Photoshop. You can order the supplies from eBay and other places.

I will not sell the material to make ID cards and documents. However, subject to the conditions stated on the page Downloads & Request, I will mail without charge small quantities of ID cards, security paper, and other material needed to make ID cards and documents.

Most fake ID cards from the internet are junk that would not fool your little sister. If a site located in the USA sold good ID cards and fake driver licenses they would have trouble with law enforcement. Unless you have a source willing to work outside the law, such as someone working for the motor vehicle department, you can make much better ID Cards then you can buy from any USA based company. 

Caution:  Two people have advised me that is a scam. They told me they sent their money and received nothing and no response to their emails.  Apparently, one person owns all the web sites listed and writes the reviews to con people into sending money.  Also, I did request a free sample and received nothing.

There are Several Ways to Make or Alter ID Cards

If it is a small area such as date of birth, you may be able to scan the ID card or driver license, edit the scan, and print the edited portion to Scotch Magic Tape and overlay the portion you wish to change.

Also, after editing the scan, you could print the face of the ID card to thin glossy photo quality paper and using white glue attach it to the face of the ID card. That way you would retain the back that may have a magnetic strip and/or 2d bar codes. Later you could remove the paper and white glue by soaking the ID in warm soapy water. An advantage of white glue is that you can apply the paper and for a couple of seconds slide the paper into the exact position. However, you must be careful or that will result in little bumps.

Although the forgoing method to alter an ID card may work in a few limited cases, usually better results are obtained by making a new ID card. If the changes are slight, it may be best to scan the ID card and edit the scan before printing and making an ID card. Otherwise, it will save time and effort if you have an editable ID template.

In any event, you will need a photo editing program such as Photoshop and the knowledge of how to use it. What little I know, I learned by by trial and error, using Photoshop help, and , looking it up on the internet, and.

If you have or download a trial copy of Photoshop, you can download a self-executing zip file with instruction to design, create, and print ID cards at:

The steps to create ID documents such a birth certificates are similar. If you have experience with Photoshop, you will not need to download the instructions.

On thing about Photoshop; it is easy change the original program setting and have appearance that is difficult to work with.  To restore Photoshop to the original program settings, double click on the Photoshop icon to open Photoshop and then very-very quickly press Ctrl+Alt+Shift. It will ask if you want to delete the setting files. Click yes. If you don't get that question, and Photoshop opens normally, you did not press Ctrl+Alt+Shift quick enough. The identical method applies to ImageReady. One time in the last five years that didn't work so I uninstalled and reinstalled Photoshop.

PVC ID Cards

Most states, colleges, and large employers issue 30 mil PVC 3.375" x 2.125" ID cards with magnetic stripes.  They use very expensive ID card printers, but that is not necessary for you to make a professional appearing ID card. Epson CD/DVD printers such as R200, R220, R260, R280, R300, and R380 inkjet printers have a tray to print on specially coated CDs and DVDs.

Epson has discontinued the foregoing printers but they are available on eBay, Craiglist, and; both new and used, for $50 to $120. A typical price for a new R280 on eBay is $100. It is more complicated, and you need to install special drivers to print ID cards.  However, you can also print ID cards using the Artisan 50. If you have an Artisan 50 and need the special drivers and instructions, see the page Downloads & Request.

On eBay and you can purchase ID trays that will hold two 30 mil, PVC ID cards. The trays have identical dimensions and are similar to the CD/DVD trays for the foregoing Epson printers. Also, on and eBay, you can purchase PVC ID cards specially coated to accept inkjet printing. If cost is an issue, buy a used Epson R280 on eBay, Craiglist, or,  and, after printing your ID card(s), resell it to recover most of the purchase price. Used cartridges leak during shipping so, if shipping is required, they should be removed and place in a Ziploc bag.


How to Make ID Cards

If you have access to an expensive ID printers that cost $5,000 or more, use it to make an ID card. Otherwise, there are several inexpensive methods to make an ID card.


  1.  Epson Printer: Unless you are only making a few ID cards, I recommend using one of the Epson inkjet printers listed above because it requires minimal effort and gives very good results. Inkjet ID cards are durable enough that you cannot scratch the ink and coating off with your fingernail, but you can make scratch marks with your fingernail similar to how you make scratch marks on painted walls. Inkjet ID cards are almost waterproof especially the 5 colors. The black is slightly less waterproof.
 Applying clear and/or hologram overlays to the inkjet ID cards, will make the inkjet ID cards completely waterproof and as durable as any ID card. You can purchase ID card size clear and hologram overlays on eBay.


If a tray is not available for your CD/DVD printer and if you are handy with simple tools, you can modify your CD/DVD tray to print on inkjet PVC ID cards.  The following are the instructions for modifying an R280 and other Epson R series CD/DVD trays that you can then use to print inkjet PVC ID cards:


a. Find some smooth cardboard the thickness of the 30 mil ID card but not more than the thickness of the 50 mil CD/DVDs.  If you have the tools, patterns made with 30 mil or 1/32" plastic, PVC, or laminates for counter-tops are better.
b.  Cover both sides of the cardboard with clear uncoated appliqué film such as Chartpak DAFC8.  This is not required but it allows you to wash off the ink that will invariable get on the cardboard.
c.  Download the following file to make an exact size pattern:
d.  Using the pattern cut the adapter for the ID cards.  Cut as accurate as possible so there are no gaps larger than 1/16".  This allows a smooth surface so the printer will not be damaged.
e.  Drill a 5/8" diameter hole in the center of the tray to remove the raised portion in the tray that locks the CD/DVDs in place.  You will still be able to use the tray to print CDs and DVDs.


  1. Print to clear appliqué film with a laser printer and attach to blank PVC ID cards. You can also print to matte appliqué film. That has the advantage of hiding the air bubbles that invariable get between the appliqué film and the PVC ID card. However, the matte appliqué film doesn't have the shinny appearance of most ID cards.
 You can also use an inkjet printer and print to inkjet appliqué film. However, inkjet appliqué film requires a coating to absorb the ink and the coating is not water proof. If you don't have a laser printer, print to photo quality paper, take the paper and the clear appliqué film to Kinko's and copy to the appliqué film.

To make an ID card using appliqué film, have the following items: The printed image on clear appliqué film, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, a clean work surface such as a countertop, and a sheet of plain white paper.


1.   Cut out the ID image that you printed on appliqué film with an extra half inch border all around.
2.   Place the sheet of white paper on the clean countertop or work surface and place a PVC ID card on the white paper. Make certain the ID card is spotlessly clean. Any speck of dust will result in bump on the appliqué film.
3.   Spread two or three drops of rubbing alcohol and visually check that there is no dust that has settled. The rubbing alcohol will temporarily coat the adhesive on the back of the appliqué film making it slippery and easy to slide into position on the ID card.
4.   Place the appliqué film with the image of your ID card on the PVC ID card, slide into position, and press the overlapping edges onto the paper, thereby locking the appliqué film into position on the ID card.
5.   From center outward press out all the air and alcohol bubbles. Let it set for two hours so that the adhesive will start bonding to the ID card. Then press out any air bubbles that may have formed at the edges of the ID and let it set up for another eight or more hours. By then most of the alcohol will have been absorbed into the adhesive or at least the bond will be strong enough to work with.
6.   Take a pair of very good scissors such as Fiskars Razor Edged and trim to the edge of the ID card. Take care not to cut the ID card. You can sand the edges with emery cloth. However, if you trim well, that will not be necessary.
7.   Turn the ID card over and repeat for the back side. It may take another week before all the alcohol has evaporated and you have a good enough bond to subject the ID card to hard usage. An advantage with this method is that you can use a couple of drops of alcohol to slide a hologram overlay into position and eliminate any air bubbles that may have otherwise formed. You cannot use alcohol with inkjet ID cards. However, take care to prevent too much sliding and rubbing when applying a hologram. The laser printed ID card image may not as alcohol proof as it is water proof.


  1. Print to 10 mil synthetic paper such as iGage, Teslin, or Artisyn. In some ways this produces the best ID cards. It is waterproof and is the most durable. Also, if you apply a clear or hologram overlay, you don't have the problem of air bubbles.
I prefer this method to number 2, printing to appliqué film.  It is more durable and, if you apply a hologram or clear overlay, you eliminate the hassle of using alcohol to align and prevent air bubbles.  Printing to synthetic paper does result in a less shinny or dull finish. However, with a hologram overlay, the appearance will be identical to PVC ID cards. The back side probably doesn't matter and if you believe it needs to be more glossy, just apply a clear appliqué film overlay or buy a $3 can of clear spray and give it a very light coating. Other than the labor involved, the only disadvantage is that the resulting ID card is only half as stiff as a PVC ID card. The instructions to make a fake ID card with 10 mil synthetic paper are as follows:


a.   Print the front side of one to four ID card images to plain bond paper. Turn the paper over and print the back side.
b.   Printers are not perfect. Therefore, it is likely that you will need to make a small adjustment to margin when printing the back side so that the front and back sides overlay perfectly.
c.   When the front and back side overlay perfectly, print the front side to a sheet of synthetic paper and the back side to another sheet and turn that sheet over.
d.   Place a third sheet of synthetic paper between the two sheets with front and backs sides out. After stacking or lining up the paper, staple two rows of staples, a couple of inches apart, along the bottom. This will hold the three sheets of synthetic paper with the images in position.
e.   Cut two pieces of paper large enough to cover all the printed images and tape around the printed images This will protect the images from dirt and the 3M Super 77 adhesive spray which somehow finds a way to get on surfaces where it is unwanted.
f.    Lift the top two sheets spray 3M Super 77 adhesive on the insides of the bottom two sheets. Lift the top sheet and spray 3M Super 77 adhesive on the insides of the top two sheets. When gluing with 3M Super 77 adhesive, for the strongest bond, the adhesive should be applied to both sides that go together. Press the sheets together following instructions on the can. That will form an excellent bond and the adhesive will fuse the three sheets together so that after trimming, the edges will not have visible layers.
g.   You can then remove the protective paper on the front and back and cut the images to make you ID cards. I prefer to overlay the image with an ID card, using it as a guide to cut the ID to the exact size. Take care that the ID card doesn't slip when trimming and that you don't cut the ID card. You may need to sand the edges, especially the rounder corners, with emery cloth.


How to Apply a Hologram Overlay

Hologram overlays are only slightly smaller than the ID card. Therefore, it is difficult to place them in the exact position with the paper backing removed. However, if applying a hologram overlay to a regular PVC ID card or if applying to an appliqué film overlay, apply two or three drops of  rubbing alcohol, over the entire surface of the ID card. That coats the adhesive, making it very slippery so you can then slide the overlay into position and, starting at the center, rub out any air and alcohol bubbles. Use the same method as described for applying appliqué film to a PVC ID card in the foregoing number 3.

If applying a clear or hologram overlay to synthetic paper or an inkjet ID card, do the following:


  1. Lift one end of the hologram so you can cut the paper backing about one inch from that end and replace the cut piece.
  2. Lay the hologram overlay on top of the ID card and place it into position. Then holding the opposite end, remove the smaller piece of paper backing and attach that end of the hologram to the ID card.
  3. Then lift and remove the remaining paper backing and press the hologram onto the ID card.
In the sub topics of this page, I provide additional details explaining how to make acceptable and very official appearing ID cards.

ID Documents

How to Make Identification Documents.


Please do understand that, within these pages, I am not urging you to break any laws.  This is only a discussion which should engender great caution. I personally believe that the right to travel is a natural right and therefore any law requiring a birth certificate or SSN to obtain a driver license or passport is invalid.

However, the government does not consider beliefs such as mine relevant and the government can do you great harm.  Therefore, making an alias ID or creating a fake birth certificate and/or other ID documents as described herein is very risky business. Therefore, I believe it is okay to make fake documents as an educational experience.  However, after making them, my recommendation is to file them in a circular container and work within the system.

In addition to the supplies needed to make ID cards and other documents used for identification, you will need a color printer, copier, scanner, and a photo edit program such as Photoshop. Kwink Kopy and similar places have self service computers, color printers, scanners, and copiers for a nominal charge.

You can download a thirty day free trial of Adobe Photoshop. You can order the supplies from eBay and other places.

I will not sell the material to make ID cards and documents; however, subject to the conditions stated on the page Downloads & Request, I will mail without charge small quantities of ID cards, security paper, and other material needed to make ID cards and documents.

There are Two or More Methods to Make or Alter ID Documents

If it is on plain bond paper such as a court order for a name change or an older birth certificate you may be able to modify or alter it. Most court documents will be on plain bond paper and the stamps are usually ink stamps that you can copy.  Just retype the document, scan the stamp, and insert it onto the document.  Most court orders are created with a word processor.  Therefore, if all you need to do is change a few words such as a name, you will have the identical font. If not, in ImageReady you can edit by copying and pasting letters or words.


Most court orders are public documents. Therefore, with a little searching at the court house, you may find a court order similar to what you need. Therefore, for a dollar or two a page, you can get copy of almost type of court order you wish.


And, because very few people know about or consider using fake court orders as a form of identification to obtain a driver license or possibly a delayed birth certificate, there is none of the security features that driver licenses and birth certificates have.


Some clerk may call the court house to verify, but court orders are not numbered in the manner that driver licenses and birth certificates are and they will not be reading the entire document. If the name and dates are the same that is about all that will be verified. That is because that is all that shows on the computer. It is highly unlikely that the court clerk will look at the actual document.


If it is an older birth certificate on plain bond paper, you may be able to make alterations. However, I believe scanning the document, editing, and the various names, dates, signatures, etc., and then printing would be far better. Or, in the case of older birth certificate, perhaps you can edit out all the typing.  Then print the edited document with all the preprinted information that was on the blank original form, find an old typewriter, and retype the birth certificate information.As an alternate to finding an old typewriter you can find old typewriter fonts such as Clunk and My Underwood that, when printed, appear to be typed.


Recently issued birth certificates are too difficult to reproduce so any birth certificates you want to alter needs to have been printed a dozen or more years ago. If you need an embossed seal see my instructions in the sub-topic Birth Certificates.

The other method is creating a completely new document. This also includes scanning the document, editing it with Photoshop, and printing it on an appropriate type of paper. Also, I have created several templates that you can download.  The Alpine birth certificate templates were created using the Clunk font for the filled in information. Therefore, it looks like it was filled out using a typewriter.

Downloads & Requests

Download Templates & Files, and Request ID Cards & Material
Note:  If you attempt to download a file and the link doesnt work or some other problem. Send me an email to and I will fix it.

 You can download a self-executing zip file for a number of ID templates and birth certificate templates at:

Name:       IDs & Birth Certificates.exe   [self-executing zip file]

 Size:         412.9MB (432924672 bytes)

Created:    2010-03-31 14:57:54


This is a large file because the templates are large files and because of all the different fonts used and included.

You can download the new enhanced Florida driver license at:
Name:             New FL ID.exe

Size:                68.4MB (71681536 bytes)

Created:         2010-07-19 07:35:33


You can download templates for a high school diploma and two high school transcripts and a diploma, including filled out samples, at:


Name:             Diploma&Transcript.exe

Size:                3.2MB (3392000 bytes)




The templates will have resolutions of 600 dpi which is the limit for most inkjet or laser printers. Claims by Epson and other inkjet printer manufacturers of Maximum Resolution (dots per inch) of 5760 x 1440 optimized dpi are not realistic and should be taken with a grain of salt.  You can download a self-executing zip file of several US and foreign ID templates

The following are a few of the IDs. The first is the Netherlands ID card.

The Angola driver license template is a complicated template since the photo is overlaid with concentric circles.   Until I solved the problem by creating an exact same size overlay with concentric circles over the photo area it was very complicated to print template with the concentric circles.

An advantage to the Angola template is that the Angola driver license doesn't have holograms or other almost impossible to create and easy to see security features listed in the International ID book.  Therefore, even if someone has the International I.D. Guide, it should pass that inspection.

The Arkansas ID template has an easy to edit text layer that I used to create the following novelty ID with Jessica Alba:


The advantage of the Arkansas ID is that it is current and Arkansas is one state, if not the only state, that hasn't changed to the enhanced driver licenses that are so very difficult to reproduce.  IDs in other states that have not expired are still valid and I am including several of those.  However, to be accurate, the issue date need to be several years ago. 


My #1 recommended is the new enhansed Florida ID because you can buy the Great Seal hologram that very closely matches the hologram on the ID card.  To find the Great Seal hologram, just Google the words "grand seal hologram or the words seal of trust hologram.


Someone from Canada gave me the templates for very nice Canadian IDs:


 Two simple and easy to edit templates are the Haiti and Panama IDs.  They lack the hard to duplicate security features found in most ID.  The Panama driver license does have a hologram.  However, it is not described in the International ID Guide so any of several generic holograms should suffice.

I suggest printing the birth certificate and high school transcript templates on security paper. 

You can also create a template for embossed seals at

You can order good quality security paper at  I recommend VoidSecure® Solid Blue for ID documents with a border and the VoidSecure® Basketweave for ID documents without a border.  For documents issued more than a dozen years ago, just use basketweave paper. I believe you can also find it on eBay if you search VoidSecure or security paper.

You need to be selective because most security paper is either low quality or else it is obviously different than security paper used by government agencies and schools and colleges.  Many manufactures of security paper such as Bank Note Company will not sell to the public.


Request for Blank ID Cards, Security Paper, and Other Material


I will not sell the material to make ID cards and documents; however, on the conditions stated below, I will mail without charge a package that includes the following:

10 blank white 30 mil PVC 2.125" x 3.375" ID cards. Or if you have an Epson R series printer such at R280, I will provide 10 inkjet ID cards.
5 sheets of 8.5x11 inch clear appliqué film.

5 sheets of 8.5x11 inch transparency paper printable with both inkjet and laser printers.
5 sheet of igage 10 mil synthetic paper for laser and inkjet printers.
5 sheets of 8.5x11 inch glossy HP LaserJet glossy presentation paper or 5 sheet of 8.5x11 inch glossy HP inkjet brochure or inkjet photo paper.
12 sheets of 8.5x11 inch VoidSecure security paper—6 sheets of basketweave slate and 6 sheets solid light-blue. See
10 sheets of 100% cotton, 32 lb, ivory paper.

5 Great Seal hologram overlays for ID cards.

5 each clear ID Card overlays.


Specify if you have an Inkjet or LaserJet printer so I can provide the appropriate printable material. Also, let me know if you have Epson R series or other printer that prints directly onto inkjet coated CDs and DVD

As an alternate and if you prefer, using my Epson printer and inkjet ID cards, I will, print and mail an ID card to select people, age 18 or older that emails me a request provided they send me the templates (front and back, if printing on both sides is desired. Also, if it is an ID for Arkansas, or an oder Id for Wisconsin, Ohio, or Florida, I will add a simulated hologram. If it is the new Florida ID, I will add the Great Seal (Florida version) hologram.

Upon request, I will place generic embossed seals on 1/2 of the sheets of security paper.  If you wish, you can then add additional lettering per the foregoing instructions.  However, embossed seals are not easy to see and read and most people will just see that there is an embossed seal.  Therefore, either of the following should be good enough.  The generic embossed seals are as follows:


Along with your request and template, email or fax a copy of your credit card statement showing a donation for $20 or more or send me a check or money order for $20 or more payable to Peter Schiff or Rand Paul US Senate 2010, or to most any freedom loving organization such as FIJA, Institute for Justice, Innocence Project, Jail4Judges, We the People, Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth,, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Cato Institute, or Truth Attack.

The donation need not be recent. For example, if would be acceptable if you made a donation to Ron Paul during his presidential campaign a couple of years ago or any of the freedom supporting organizations. Likely, since you are reading this site, you have already made one or acceptable donations and, to receive the material, you will only need to send proof. I like to assist people that believe in the Constitution and liberty and a small donation to any of the above is proof enough.

New Identity

Create an Identity
Please understand that I am not urging you to commit fraud or break any laws.  This is only a discussion which I hope will engender great caution. My personal beliefs regarding your right and the validity of laws restricting those rights are the beliefs of a small minority and no state or federal court would give such  beliefs any consideration.

Creating an alias ID is very risky.  You should carefully consider who might be looking for you and how far they will go to find you.  Don't under construct any alternate identity for your situation. There are three type of identities that I will discuss. Borrowing an identity; using an alias; and creating a new Identity either by procuring bona fide identification through fake paperwork or manufacturing what looks to be bona fide ID cards and documents.

There are several choices for creating another identity.  The simplest is just to use another name, print a few business cards, and perhaps an ID card. You could use a name similar to your own in case you run into someone you know while with someone that thinks you are your alias. 

Such an alias can be helpful for dating when you are not seeking a long term relationship.  You can be from out of time and your business requires frequent but unscheduled one or two day trips to the location.   Women can be difficult with all their rules if you live in town, but they are very understanding if your job doesn't give you much notice so that you cannot predict when you are going to be in town.  You can call them and let them know you are in town for a day and they will break a date to go out with you.

One method to obtain a limited alias may seem a little less than ethical. However, when your rulers refuse to honor their oath of office and totally disregard the Constitution they have sworn to uphold, and pass onerous laws that are without merit and harmful to welfare of the people, you are justified to do what you must if your actions do not harm or result in only very minor (a dollar or two) harm to others.

Using the templates, I have provided or other templates to make an ID card may be adequate for most purposes. However, they will not withstand the type of close examination the police might give them if you are stopped for a traffic violation.  This is becoming especially true with most recently issued state ID which have many difficult to reproduce security features in addition to  holograms and items only visible under an ultraviolet black light.

All young men should have an alias, including, if possible, a state issued ID or driver license.  Unless, your alias has a salary or income that is reported to the IRS, a state issued driver license may be adequate and is a starting point.  However, every state requires a SSN or a letter from the SSN to obtain a driver license.  The SSN will not be on the driver license.  However, it is required before they will issue a driver license.

The name, SSN, and date of birth should match a real person because it only takes a few seconds to verify with the Social Security Administration. It has become very difficult to acquire a person's SSN.  You can find a few if you Google "SSN: xxx-" DOB -death -died  and include the quotes where xxx is the first three digits of a SSN.  Most of the SSNs you find with Google will be persons deceased or over 40 and others are fakes so you still need to verify.

In any event, the easiest way to obtain an alias with a SSN and obtain a state issued driver license is to assume the identity of another person.  Since a driver license should only be a license to drive and since the law states that an SSN is only for social security purposes, you have a right to obtain the driver license and use the SSN provided you do not use the driver license to drive, use the SSN for social security purposes, or to commit fraud or otherwise harm someone. 

CAUTION:   The rulers don't care about your rights. Therefore, if you exercise these rights, they can harm you.  The ruling Mafia and their government media are very big on identity theft. The rulers are not concerned about the extremely rare crimes committed with identify theft.  In fact they love it because they are heavily publicized.  The media even invents big lies; I guess under the theory that people believe a big enough lie when reported by the media.

The whopper they tell that I like is if someone steals your identity, they can buy a house and you will have to pay for the mortgage; as if banks and mortgage companies give away money without verifying ten different ways.  And certainty if you are not a party to a contract and did not receive the money, no court would make you liable.  The financial institutions know this so they will not part with their money just because someone has an ID card. If they do, it is there loss; not yours.

The identity theft fiasco is about control and little if any about preventing crime. If people have aliases, the government cannot track them and they lose power and control.

I called the local state (Arkansas) office that issues drivers licenses and asked how to replace a loss license. She told me all that is required is my name, date of birth and payment of $10. No identification is required.  Other jurisdictions may have different requirement but, certainly not more than Name, SSN, date of birth, and a birth certificate.  Caution:  Before issuing the replacement driver license, the clerk may pull up the image of the driver license.  If so, you need to look like the person.

Recently I ordered a copy of my birth certificate from Arkansas.  All that was required was submitting a form and paying the fee.  A postal money order would be fine.  I ordered my son's birth certificate from Oklahoma.  They required a form and a copy of my driver license.  A copy of a driver license doesn't have holograms so use one of my templates and a photo taken off the internet. Normally it is safe to order birth certificates, but for extreme safety, have a mail drop and ask a child or transit to sign the form and pay them $10 dollars. 

Concurrent with an alias, it will be helpful to have a mail drop that cannot be traced to you.  For the short term find a house with a curb mailbox that has been foreclosed, in need of repair because the owners stripped it before foreclosure, and therefore not yet with a realtor.  The mortgage company will not be watching it closely.  Place your name inside the mailbox and mail several letters to the address.  If your letters arrive, you have a mail drop.

You may then rent a post office or other mail box doing business as Alpha Enterprises or whatever. For identification to rent the P.O. Box, use a template for an out of state ID and create another form of identification.  Now two forms of identification are required to rent a P.O. Box.  Also, you may need an address where you receive mail so the postman can verify the name to the address provided that verification of address is still a requirement. 

Perhaps the best mail drop is installingl a mail box with a fictitious name and box number on a rural route way down some dirt road.  Use Map Quest and/or Google map to find a good location. 

Buy a mailbox, affix decals for the number and nail it to a 4x4 post when you are certain the mail carrier will not drive by.  Make certain you comply with postal regulations as to set back from the road, height, numbering system, and decals size and location on the mailbox.  Most rural route mail carriers are contracted help and likely they will place mail in the mailbox without asking why it just appeared on their route.  If you wish, after you acquire a state issued driver license or create an identification card, you can go to the post office and tell the clerk you bought some land that you will build a house on and you need an assigned RR address.   Place the mail box at the property line so the property owners will be unlikely to question it.  The following are some RR postal regulations:

A rural route is the daily route of travel by one mail carrier and can consist of hundreds of individual deliveries in sequential, increasing box number order

Rural routes are planned for the most deliveries in the shortest driving distance

A post office can have multiple rural routes

The post office assigns rural route addresses

Rural route addresses are designed to facilitate mail delivery, not structure location

Mailboxes are addressed, not structures

Multiple structures can share one mailbox

One structure can have more than one mailbox

Vacant land can have a mailbox

Not all roads are driven—mailboxes can be grouped together at corners, intersections

Mailboxes are not always in front of the home

More than one route/post office can deliver on the same section of a single road.

Carriers often do not know where their clients live.

Corporation often place employment ads for jobs that do not exist.  I can only speculate as to the reasons.  Unlike the sleazy corporations, I have qualms about doing that, but where it is necessary to obtain a SSN and other information so you can be issued a driver license, I can recommend it.  Place an employment ad in the local paper or a Florida newspaper for the type of job you choose stating, Mail resume and photo ID to P.O. Box xxx.  From just one ad, you will receive 20 or 30 replies (in the current economy perhaps many more).  The major papers may require too much identification and, if so, advertize with with a small local paper.

Typically the photo ID will be a copy of their driver license and in many cases the resume will contain their SSN and place of birth. If not, you can call and ask.  Don't use on *67.  That doesn't prevent the calling number from being in the system.  Instead use a pay phone or purchase an over-the-counter cell phone and pay with cash. Then throw the cell phone away after obtaining the information you needed which may include the mother's maiden name.

If your state requires additional identification such as a birth certificate, the first three digits of the SSN will probably indicate the birth state.  Select someone of similar age and appearance and obtain a replacement for a lost driver license. Perhaps better would be to use the information to obtain an out of state driver license. Other than a postage stamp and the resume, you have not harmed anyone.  I personally would return the resumes with a note that due to the economy or new federal mandates the position has been canceled.

Don't use the driver license to drive or, at least not for long, if it is a replacement for a loss driver license,  the lost one will be canceled so, if the person is stopped for a traffic violation, the replacement may be canceled.  Likely, it will not be discovered until the person renews his license.  Even if he is stopped for a traffic violation the cancellation will not be discovered if the officer only looks at it.  Also, if you use it to obtain a bank account, make certain the account does not pay interest.  You don't want the IRS notifying the person that he didn't report all his income. I would recommend using that driver license to obtain a driver license from another state as another layer of security.

As an alternate, especially if you are young and you have an SSN that matches the name and date of birith, you can use a birth certificate template and high school transcript template to obtain a driver license.  Typically at the office for obtaining a driver license, it is take a number and wait your turn.  The clerks see hundreds of people each day so they are not going to examine the documents carefully or place phone call to verify.  Typically they just see you for a couple of minutes and they are done.  You can select a birth certificate template in a different time zone so that the office would not be open if they did call.

Should the clerk leave to check on something, you should reply, "While you are doing that, I will get my checkbook that I left in my friend's car. A friend and not you since you don't have a driver license and shouldn't be driving.  Then leave and apply at another location.  To prevent your car and/or car license being observed, park some distance away in a direction that cannot be observed from inside the building.  For extreme precautions, have a backup plan to return to your car several hours later. Don't stay on the streets. Walk into a public building.

For tens of thousands of years if someone needed to put their youthful discretions or whatever behind them they could leave and start a new life elsewhere.  They could join a distant tribe or move to another state or country.  In general that has been a very good thing.  However, the Rockefellers and the rest of the Mafia gang that wishes to rule the world and make slaves of us all are making that increasing difficult.  Soon, if the trend continues, there will be nowhere to go to start over.

However, until their goal of chipping us all come to pass, we still have a few options even if very limited.  The most desirable alias would be to have a state issued driver license, valid SSN, and perhaps a state issued birth certificate along with a high school or college transcript.  The high school transcript can be a home school transcript.  Most colleges will accept as valid home school transcripts. And, college ID, especially in college towns, are accepted as an ID.

You can make a college transcript but it can be easily verified.  However, college is not that important except for certain professions such as mine that requires a license from the state.  And, in my case, a license as a professional engineer, while slightly helpful was not a requirement for my job. From an income standpoint, my education was a poor investment. I lost five years of income plus tuition in getting my degree and I don't believe my salary was that much higher than it would have been if I had chosen a trade.

The comparison of incomes for high school vs. college graduates is not valid because you are not comparing people of equal intelligence and motivation.  If instead, I had decided to become a plumber or electrician, in five years I would have been a journeyman earning more than my starting salary as an engineer. I believe I would have been more intelligent and more dependable than the average blue collar worker and by year five I would have been given a crew. In a few more years, I could have had my contractor's license and started my own firm.

Typically smart contractors in the trades earn considerable more than most engineers; in part because there is a big surplus of engineers.  There should be several technicians for each engineer but, in fact, there are more engineers than technicians. To satisfy our ego, we are given the title of engineer but mostly we do the work that technicians do.

However, returning to the subject, the most difficult part is obtaining a valid birth certificate and/or SSN for your alias.  I have a couple of ideas that should work. I will post my ideas on how to obtain a SSN in the page ID Documents, subtitle SSN & Tax ID Nr.  I will provide additional information, after I work out the details to my satisfactions. Please stop by again. Thank you for your interest.


As explained in other sections, please understand that I am not urging you to commit fraud or break any laws.  This is only a discussion which I hope will engender great caution.

Unless you leave the USA, it is extremely difficult to disappear. To disappear will require motivation, time, and money.  If you are not willing to invest at least a couple of months and $5,000, don't even try.

Every state in the USA claims that an SSN or a letter from the Social Security Administration must be furnished before they will issue a driver license.  The song, I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free, sounds nice but it is certainly not true.  While Americans have more freedoms to the internet, and a few other things, than certain other countries such as China and Iran, there is almost nothing we do that is not regulated and/or subject to laws.  You cannot even walk on the street or in a park without being subject to being stopped and questions by the police.  And, if they ask and choose to make an issue of it (not likely but possible), you better have your papers.

Normally the government leaves us alone or does not greatly intrude so we have illusion of freedom.  However, certainly we don't have near the freedoms that Americans enjoyed 100, 50, or even 20 years ago. And, with too-big-to-fail bailouts, with socialism (this health care bill is only the latest), and the type of central planning that caused the collapse of the Soviet Union, we no longer live in one of the most prosperous countries nor do we enjoy one of the highest living standards.  And, if you have tried to get a job lately and found it difficult, in my humble opinion, it is only going to get worse.

 Nevertheless, for most Americans, the USA is still their best choice.  I just stated the above to let certain people know, if they need to disappear, that many other countries are just as good or better; and, for them, much better.  There are a number of very good reasons to change an identity and disappear:

  1. A young man due to youthful indiscretions has a criminal record making it almost impossible to obtain a good job and lead a normal life.
  2. You are required to registrar as a sex offender because you had sex as a teenager with your slightly younger girl friend.  For example, Matthew Freeman
    is on the registry until Aug. 17, 2028 because in 2003 at age 17 he has sex with his 15 year old girl friend.  In Michigan alone there are more than 45,000 names and faces on Michigan's online public sex offender registry and most are the result of censual sex with teenage girlfriends. And, many of the others are the result of high school students' sextexting.

  3. Due to unrealistic imputed income, you are required to pay more than half your wages until you are middle age because as a young man you got some girl pregnant.
  4. Your ex-wife divorced you and the courts are treating you as only a wallet and have wrongfully separated you from any meaningful relationship with your children. When I find the time, I will further discuss this issue under the heading Women and on page Child Support.
In most of the above and similar type cases, where the government and/or an individual is not willing to spend much time, effort, and money (less than $20,000) it is not difficult disappear if you leave the USA.  There are a number of things you must be willing to do and not do.

  1. Walk away from any money or assets that you cannot convert cash and gold and take with you.  Give a friend or family member your power of attorney and/or  a quitclaim deed if you own real-estate.
  2. Don't tell anyone where you are going and, after you leave, don't contact anyone by phone or mail for the first six months to a year.  If you must have contact, create an anonymous offshore email account and do all communication through the email account and don't even give a hint about where you are at and that you left the USA.

  3. You need to think about your money and how you are going to get it to where you are going.  Small amount, a few thousand dollars, you can take with you as gold coins and cash.  However, all governments, especially the USA, are thieves and robbers.  Other than possible high fees, they seldom steal small amounts from travelers.  However, if you are carrying a large amount of cash, and if they find it, they will want it, and invent some lie to take it. They refer to it as asset forfeiture. The government takes billions in assets from innocent people and they do not give it back.  
    One or two $10,000 cashier's checks or bank money orders that a friend purchased for you in your name is probably safe because that is more difficult to steal than cash.  You can deposit the cashier's checks in a bank after you arrive in new country.  Unless your friend talks, the transaction is almost untraceable and even your friend will not know when or where it was deposited.

    If you open a checking account in another city most likely you can transfer the money in account to your new country without it being discovered.  Even better let a person you trust open an account using their SSN and give you signature authority.  Unless the primary owner of the account talked about it, I don't believe an investigator could find the account and transactions unless they looked an the mail.  Just have the person rent a P.O. Box and have the statements sent there.

  4. Security deposits and other money that are due to you after you leave, you need to abandon or have it mailed to a friend or family member.  They can sign your name, their name, and deposit in their bank.  You could provide a power of attorney but it is not necessary. You are not going to complain when they sign your name.  Therefore, there is no risk to them because no one other then the person the check is made out to is legally entitled to complain.
  5. Get a passport in your name.  After you have your passport, go the the Greyhound bus station, buy a ticket at the counter with cash, and take a Greyhound bus to South Texas and walk across into Mexico. There is no record that you purchased the ticket or took the bus.  The clerk might remember (not likely) should someone ask.  Therefore, break up your trip. Buy a ticket to Dallas and from Dallas buy another bus ticket after taking a taxi to another bus station in Dallas.  For extreme precaution, since you know the schedule. buy a ticket at every major bus stop.  Even the FBI would not be able to track you.
  6. After crossing the border into Mexico, travel deeper into Mexico and take a plane to whatever country you choose. Mexico may require purchase of tourist permit but they are not going to file a record with the USA.
After you leave the USA and enter another country, until you obtain other identification, your passport and state issued ID or driver license will be your identification.  However, no one is going to be asking for your SSN and certainly not reporting it to the IRS. 

If there is a lot of money involved ($250,000 or more) and someone is willing to spend $50,000 to $100,000 to find you or finding you is very important to law enforcement, you need to take even more precautions.  See the page How to Disappear.


Women are Amazing and Wonderful
Women can be infuriating and exasperating but overall they are such wonderful little imps that I don't know if I would change them if I could.  Women are delightful to be with and so much fun when you get their clothes off.  And, sometimes it can be as much fun trying to talk them out of their clothes.

Women are the most conniving creatures on the planet but even when you know they are lying, when they smile, bat their eyes, and do their sexy wiggles, they appear so innocent that you cannot help but love them.  Just don't expect women to act contrary to their nature and you will not be disappointed.

It is the nature of women to look out for their self-interest and at that they excel. Just as you don't expect the cat to go against its nature and not get the canary if given the opportunity, you shouldn't expect women to be different than their nature.

Your girlfriend probably believes it when she promises that she will never cheat. However, it is her nature to want to trade up so, she can't help it, she is always looking. She may be loyal and true, but as soon as she is certain of someone better to replace you, she will pounce.

If you consider it from a natural selection viewpoint, women are not difficult to understand. Modern times are just a flash in the pan compared to the eons of the Stone Age so we still have our Stone Age.  The winning strategy is to produce the most descendants.  During the Stone Age for men the usual winning strategy was to impregnate the most women. For women, the winning strategy was to find a good provider for her and her children and when ovulating to have sneaky sex to select the best genes.  Women that did not select the best genes for their eggs if given the opportunity when the risk was low are not our ancestors.

Women excel at sneaky sex but throughout our evolutionary history there was a trade off. If successful, she increased the probability of having a child with greater, strength, intelligence, and fecundity. However, the risk was that, if discovered, her mate would punish her, leave her, or possibly kill her and/or her child.

Therefore, like so often in nature, there is a balance.  For example, in a world of honest people, conmen thrive. However, when their numbers are too high, people learn not to be so trusting, therefore, the honest people thrive.

By the same token, in a world where most women cheat and cheat often, men learn not to trust so their risk of being caught and killed or severely punished great increased and gives the advantage to women that don't cheat.  If very few women cheat, men are naturally trustful and cheaters thrive.

As a result most wives and girlfriend may cheat, but usually not often.  Typically it requires that she is at or near evaluation, the opportunity for sneaky sex with a superior male is there, and the risk is low.  For example, the husband is out of town, she meet this super good looking guy when she is ovulation, and he pushes the right buttons, it is almost a certainly that she will be compelled to have sex.  However, all those conditions may never occur.

Based on limited studies, approximately ten percent of husbands are not the biological father of children they believe they sired.  The women most likely to cheat are those with the most to gain. Beautiful women marry the top men therefore, for cheating offers little advantage.  And, contrary to popular belief, they cheat less.

If, in the unlikely event, you discover that your wife or girlfriend cheated, unless the cheating is excessive, don't be upset because she couldn't help it; she was just following her nature.  It doesn't make much sense to replace her when her replacement will be just like her.

The secret of women is to love them for being wonderful little imps, to take what they have to offer, and to not expect more.  So what, if they are devious, lying, little cheats.  They are way ahead of whatever comes in second.


If, however, the above seems discouraging, don't let it be because it is based on my reading of scientific studies of the norm.  There is a lot of variability in humans and many women (probably about 25 percent) do not fit the norm.  These women seldom lie, except for white lies to protect someone's feelings, they never cheat and would not cheat, and are not even tempted to cheat.

Therefore, if that is important to you, look for the one in four that will always be faithful.  Since they are more in demand, you may need to give up a little in looks, but they are not that hard to find.

From the side bars, Page 1 SSN NOT REQUIRED


Is the SSN required to obtain a driver license?  NO!

Is the SSN required to obtain a USA Passport?  NO!

The good news is that the Office of Manage and Budget pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, has indicated that there must be a requirement for a benefit before an Agency can require an SSN.  Otherwise, your decision to furnish an SSN is voluntary and not mandatory.

Passport and driver licenses are not benefits issued by the state Federal governments.  They are rights derived from your constitutional right to travel.

The Privacy Act regulates the use of SSNs by government agencies.  They may require an SSN only if a law or regulation either orders or authorizes them to do so.  Agencies are required to disclose the authorizing law or regulation.  If the request for an SSN has no legal basis, the person may refuse to the SSN and still receive the agencies services.

The bad news is the laws are deliberately written to obscure that fact and to appear that they are requirements.  The trouble is you will be dealing with clerks that are trained to go by the appearance of the law and have no training in actual law.

Therefore, if you don't provide the SSN they may refuse to issue the documents.  Unless, you are willing to escalate the issue to the management level and in some cases hire an attorney, as a practical matter it is best to consider the SSN to be a requirement.  Even more so, if you are using are attempting to acquire a alias or new identity.

Since this web site is about obtaining a new identity, demanding your right to not provide an SSN would raise a red flag resulting in additional investigation that you might want to avoid.  Therefore, within the various pages of this website, when I am discussing the issue of an SSN, I will consider the SSN to be a requirement if the agencies state that an SSN is required and do not indicate that there are exceptions.

Nevertheless, while some state such as Texas have gone off the deep end with listed requirements that are totally unreasonable. However, perhaps that is because they are a border state with Mexico.   Nevada is far more reasonable.  In Nevada the form you must fill out gives you the option of swearing that you have never had a SSN ( 

In that event, the driver license Nevada issues may be a non-compliant driver license. Perhaps you can't use it to fly; however, considering the extreme cruelty inflicted on people by the Nazi type that work for the Homeland Security, I wouldn't fly within the USA on a commercial flight unless it was an emergency.

From Page 3 PVC ID Cards

PVC ID Cards

Most ID cards are 2.125" x 3.375" 30 mil PVC.  Governments, colleges, and large employers use very expensive PVC ID card printers with a thin ribbon they print on and bond to the PVC ID card.  Ideally, it would be best if you have access to an expensive ID card printer, but that is not necessary. You can make very professional appearing ID cards with some inkjet printers that have a CD/DVD tray or by printing the ID image on appliqué film or paper and attaching it to the ID card with an adhesive.

Assuming you don't have access to a $5,000 PVC ID card printer, there are three inexpensive ways to make novelty ID cards. 

As described in the page ID Cards, the least expensive it to print on appliqué film or synthetic paper and attach the images, front and back, to blank white 20 mil or 30 mil PVC ID cards or by laminating three sheets of synthetic paper.  One difficulty is the hand eye coordination required to perfectly align the printed image on the ID cards.

Appliqué film is about half the thickness of plain bond paper so it does not appear to add thickness the ID card and when aligned correctly the results are very good.  The problem with appliqué film or any overlay is that it will not pass the bend test.  Any normal flexing of the ID cars will not be a problem but if you bend the ID card to a radius of about 2" (the diameter of a coffee mug) the appliqué film will separate from the paper and the bending will cause wrinkles.

Of course that is not a problem with inkjet ID cards or synthetic paper. Nevertheless, a hologram overlay may separate if the ID card is bent to the forgoing radius.

You can also print on presentation paper or brochure paper which is identical in appearance to photo paper except much thinner.  You can attach the paper with white glue and for a second or twoyou can slide the paper into position to make slight alignment adjustments. However, you must spread the white glue completely and with a uniform thickness or it willr results in bumps that you can feel, even if not visible.  Obviously paper is not water proof or as durable but the appearance is outstanding.

More common, but I don't recommend it, is printing on synthetic paper (common trade names are iGage,
Teslin and Artisyn) and inserting inside 10 mil butterfly pouches and laminating.  In theory, you can use an iron instead of buying a laminator, but I don't recommend it. I made numerous attempts with an iron and all were unsatisfactory.  The pouches take on the texture of whatever you iron it on. I even tried plate glass but even that didn't look right. I tried ironing on paper and it bonded to the paper or else it wasn't hot enough and the butterfly pouches partly separated from the synthetic paper at the edges.

Most laminators will not work because they are not made for the thirty mil thickness of PVC ID cards. Typically, the maximum thickness for most laminators is about 10 mills.  Arcadia
( sells 30 mil laminators with temperature controls for about $50 plus shipping.  That gives much better results but, if the adhesive used gets on the rollers, the laminators don't last long.  Also, the heat warps the synthetic paper and butterfly pouch IDs.  That requires extra steps to prevent or minimize warping and then you must trim and sand the edges.   

Finally, even if you do everything right, and it requires a lot of time and effort, the result only simulate the appearance of PVC ID cards. They may not stand up to close inspection.  In any event, you can purchase the complete system with laminator, exacto knife, and butterfly pouches from Arcadia to make 10 ID cards for about $90.

Regardless, I prefer printing ID Cards using an Epson R280 or other CD/DVD Printers.  For slightly more money than butterfly pouches and a laminator, and with far less effort, you can obtain outstanding results by purchasing an Epson R280 printer and inkjet ID cards.  For those living in or near a large city, on Craigslist you can purchase a used R280 for about $40 so the total cost can even be less than the purchasing a laminator, synthetic paper, and butterfly pouches. 

I scanned at 600 dpi a college ID card and printed the image to an inkjet ID cards and, when I put them side by side, I had to turn the ID cards over to be certain which was which. The results were that good.  The inkjet ID cards are waterproof. After drying for a few minutes you cannot wash the ink off using a liberal portion of liquid detergent and hot water.


Furthermore, after the ink dries, you cannot scratch it off with your fingernail, so they are very durable.  I did scrap a tiny spot off with an exacto knight, but even that was not easy. However, the inkjet ID cards are easier to scratch than regular ID cards. It is like the paint on a wall. You cannot scratch if off with your fingernail, but scraping the paint with your fingernail, will leave marks. You can make inkjet ID cards more durable, by applying a clear or hologram overlay.


Therefore, especially, if you own or have access to an R series Epson inkjet printer such as the R200, R220, R260, R280,or R300, I recommend you use it and inkjet PVC ID cards to make ID cards. You can also use the Epson Artisan 50.  However, the Artisan 50 requires special drivers and instructions. As stated above, to make IDs using the foregoing printers you need 30 mil inkjet PVC ID cards.  Also, you will need either an ID tray that is available on the secondary market or a modified CD/DVD tray. You can buy the inkjet PVC ID cards and the ID tray for ID cards on eBay and and and the seller will provide a template.

If you have one of the foregoing Epson printers, I recommend purchasing the ID tray. However, ID trays are not available for all Epson CD/DVD printers nor are they availible for the Cannon CD/DVD printers.  I
f a tray is not available for your CD/DVD printer and if you are handy with simple tools, you can modify your CD/DVD tray to print on inkjet PVC ID cards.  The following are the instructions for modifying an R280 and other Epson R series CD/DVD trays that you can then use to print inkjet PVC ID cards:


Find some smooth cardboard the thickness of the 30 mil ID card but not more than the thickness of the 50 mil CD/DVDs.  If you have the tools, patterns made with 30 mil or 1/32" plastic, PVC, or laminates for counter-tops are better.
Cover both sides of the cardboard with clear uncoated appliqué film such as Chartpak DAFC8.  This is not required but it allows you to wash off the ink that will invariable get on the cardboard.
Download the following file to make an exact size pattern: See the following photo.

Using the pattern cut the adapter for the ID cards.  Cut as accurate as possible so there are no gaps larger than 1/16".  This allows a smooth surface so the printer will not be damaged.
Drill a 5/8" diameter hole in the center of the tray to remove the raised portion in the tray that locks the CD/DVDs in place.  You will still be able to use the tray to print CDs and DVDs.  
 Print ID Cards Using an Inkjet Printer and a Modified CD/DVD Tray and

If you modify your CD/DVD tray and make an adapere to hold an ID, you will not need a template.  However, you many need need instructions.  The instructions are as follows:

1.   Set your Epson Printer as default printer.
2.   Create the image for your ID card and size it Width:  3.375" and Height:  2.125". Make the image 0.02" to 0.04" larger if you are going to print edge to edge.
3.   Open the ID image in Photoshop.
4.   Click on File, select Print with Preview, and <Enter>.
5.   In the page that opens click Page Setup and select Size: A4 (210 x 297 mm); and Source:  CD/DVD, and click OK.
6.   Uncheck the box Center Image and set Position:
Top: 1.50"; Left:  1.125".
7.   Click Print then click Properties. Choose Quality OptionBest Photo.
8.   Set Paper Options:  Source:  CD/DVD; Type:  Ultra Premium Photo Paper Glossy or set Type: CD/DVD. Size should already be A4.
9.   Select Photo Enhance then Click OK and Click OK to print.

The above instructions are limited so if you need better instruction send me an email requesting the same and I will email you a template and a MS Word file with better instructions, complete with screen shots.


State issued driver licenses have a hologram overlay and, except for the GREAT SEAL which is very similar to the holograms on the new Florida DLs and IDs, none of the holograms you can buy are even remotely similar. On my driver license that recently expired, I removed the hologram overlay by placing clear appliqué film with an adhesive backing and then removing the film. The overlay with the hologram was removed in near perfect condition when I removed the appliqué film. However, on my new driver license, the hologram overlay appears to be fused into the PVC and I cannot remove it.

Unless you can remove and reuse the hologram overlay from your driver license, somehow obtain the hologram overlay, make a simulated hologram, or purchase an ID card hologram overlay, I cannot recommend making a fake driver license.  That is because, I believe, almost everyone knows to check for a hologram on a state issued ID card or driver license.

In any event, do not buy a fake or novelty driver license from any website located in the USA or Canada. They only sell garbage with misleading ads that imply you will receive a good quality ID. However, if they sold good quality replicas, law enforcement would shut them down.  Using my methods is much better than any of the ID cards you buy from sites within the USA or Canada.

Caution:  Two people have told me that is a scam.  That is a web site claiming to sell off shore IDs from countries outside the influence and jurisdiction of the USA. Apparently one person owns all the sites and writes the reviews to con people into believing that will receive a good quality ID.  However, they told me, they sent their money and received nothing in return. And, that they received no responses to their emails.  Also, I requested a free sample and received nothing.

How to Make a Simulated ID Hologram

2.    Order a small bottle of PearlEx Pigments.
Brilliant Gold and Pearlwhite appear to be the most reflective but almost any color will work. A used bottle or bottles from eBay may be the lowest price choice.  A teaspoon full is all you will need for a few hundred ID cards so don't be concerned about the quantity in the bottle.
3.    Order an 8 oz bottle of SpeedBall transparent base.  Any thick transparent paint or varnish will do.
4.    Make a black and white copy of the hologram(s) that are on your ID card or driver license. If it is a state seal, Google to find a photo file of the appropriate state seal.
5.    Print a black and white image of the hologram on the transparency film supplied with the Stencil Pro Starter Kit.  Increasing the print density is better.  The ink or toner should be a carbon base. Set your printer to the highest density.  If not dense enough to make a good stencil, find another printer or make a copy on a copy machine.  If your state seal hologram is 2 inches in diameter, it will be easy to make a good stencil. Small diameter (less than 1 inch) state seals holograms will have fine lines that light can diffuse under.
6.    Follow the instruction that come with the Stencil Pro Starter Kit to make the stencil.  Make certain to lay the transparency film with the printed face on top of the Stencil Pro.  Otherwise, the thickness of the transparency film is enough for light to diffuse under any fine lines. In sunlight the exposure time given in the instructions may be on the high side. My best results were 2/3rds of the stated exposure time.  Cut several test pieces and make test stencils with varying exposure times to determine the best results.
7.    Mix 1/2 teaspoon of PearlEx to 1/4 cup of Speedball transparent base, clear paint, or varnish. Then apply to the stencil.  The Stencil Pro starter kit comes with a squeegee but I obtained better results by dipping my finger into the mixture and applying with my finger using little circle motions.
8.    Allow a little time to dry. If you can rotate the image and not see the hologram image, mix another 1/4 teaspoon of Pearl EX to the base. Keep adding and mixing 1/4 teaspoon of PearlEx until the image is barely visible when rotated to be least visible or until the simulated hologram looks good. If you add too much Pearl EX, add and mix a couple tablespoons of the base to your mixture.

Before making the simulated hologram, make certain the stencil, your hands, and work area are completely dry; otherwise the stencil will stick.  Especially, if applying to inkjet PVC ID cards start with everything very dry and after applying the mixture to the stencil, don't delay; remove the stencil (you don't have to rush). The coating for inkjet PVC ID cards has an adhesive that will glue itself to the stencil if the stencil is not completely dry or if the stencil remains on too long after applying the base with the Pearl EX.


Use an Existing ID Card to Make a New ID Card

To make a new ID card using an existing ID as an example, scan the ID card.  Then after making changes with Photoshop, make an ID using one of the foregoing methods.

You may wish to change the bar code. You can download a 60 day free trial to read and make bar codes at  By using their programs to read what is on the bar code, you can make the appropriate changes and make a new bar code.

Caution About Changing Driver License Numbers (DLN):  Your state may have an algorithm that matches the DLN to the name and DOB.  Before making changes to your DLN, check out the following websites:

If you have a Florida, Wisconsin, or any of the states listed on the first site, you should to use the program listed on the foregoing sites to create a DLN. It is quick and easy. The last digit, usually 0, is omitted. The last digit is a counter for situations when more than one person has the same name and DOB.

Design and Make an ID Card:  Other than purchasing an ID offshore provided that option is actually available, this may be the best method.  However, unless you use a template such as the template(s) I will provide, this requires the most effort.  There are somewhat restricted books available that shows the driver licenses of the various states and countries. There is one for the USA and Canada. Also, the International Edition shows the driver licenses and IDs for countries other than the USA and Canada. I was able to obtain the international version. I used it to make several templates including the Dutch template.

I have scanned, at 600 dpi, all 288 pages so if you want the scans of the pages for any foreign countries, except Canada, call or send me an email and I will email them to you.  The files are very large so I can only email two or three countries.


The following are driver licenses photos that I used to make the Dutch template.

The following is the front of an ID made from the template:

If you are 19 or 20 and wish to exercise your natural right to enter a club, then I can recommend the Dutch ID template. It is made to be read in Dutch, French, and English.  Unless the person asking for your ID has and refers to the book of the International IDs, It is highly unlikely that he or she will even know what a Dutch or other foreign ID card looks like. Also, most people don't like to be rude to visitors from other countries so it will probably accepted as valid provided you take care in making it.

However, I didn't wish to provide a fake Dutch ID template so in microprint on the front along the bottom and in much larger letters on the back, it says in part, Rights and Responsibilities:  This card  is not an official documents and this card is not issued by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.  Well, that is what it says if you translate it into English. Since it is a Dutch ID card, it reads, Rechten en Verantwoordelijkheden:  Deze kaart is geen beambtedocumenten en deze kaart wordt door het Koninkrijk van Nederland niet uitgebracht. I suppose the doormen at most clubs are language experts and can read most every language

The template is a Photoshop file with a text layer that you can edit. Since some months are different for Dutch and English, both are shown. Female is shown as V/F.  Since the Dutch word for male is man, male is show as single letter M; not M/M.  On the back side, edit the bottom three lines.  They include the Document No. separated by a number followed by the Pers No.  The next line is year, month, and day of birth separated by a letter followed by Expiry year, month, and day. The bottom is the name. The text of the forgoing was changed from black to red so they are easily found. After editing, change the red text to black.

In the example, I show place of birth as United States. My thinking being that the mother could have married a Dutch and that could explain why you don't speak with an accent and perhaps have dual citizenship. However, the Dutch learn English in school so that may not be necessary or even best.

Finally add a hologram overlay or add a simulated hologram. The overlay not only helps protect the image, if needed, it also helps make a very professional and official appearing ID card.

I will not sell material or ID cards.  However, subject to the statement below, using my Epson printer and inkjet ID cards, I will, print and give ID cards to select people, age 18 or older that emails me a request provided they send me the templates (front and back if printing on both sides is desired). 

Along with your request and template, email or fax a copy of your credit card statement showing a donation for $20 or more or send me a check or money order for $20 or more payable to Peter Schiff or Rand Paul US Senate 2010, or to most any freedom loving organization such as FIJA, Institute for Justice, Innocence Project, Jail4Judges, We the People, Architects & Engineers for 911 truth, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Cato Institute, or Truth Attack.

The donation need not be recent. For example, if would be acceptable if you made a donation to Ron Paul during his presidential campaign a couple of years ago or any of the freedom supporting organizations. Likely, since you are reading this site, you have already made one or acceptable donations and, to receive the material, you will only need to send proof.

I will not accept any payment for the above. Any check made payable to me will either be returned or endorsed over to Peter Schiff or Rand Paul for US Senate.

Just email the request to or call or send a fax to (870) 216-0050.  You may mail a donation, payable to any of the above, to DC Wornock, 36 Meadowview Dr, Texarkana AR 71854.  I like to assist people that believe in the Constitution and liberty and a small donation to any of the above is proof enough.

DL & State ID

DL & State ID

Fake and/or ID cards and documents that you make are adequate for most activities where you are honest and doing no harm. That includes, renting an apartment, renting a mail or P.O. Box, opening a non-interest checking account, buying a debit card, and writing a check for small amounts when the money is in the bank.

However, I would not use a fake driver license for driving. That is honest too and it is your right. However, governments don't see it that way and they can do you great harm. If a policeman stops you and just takes a quick look at the ID, it probably will be okay. However, the minor benefit does not warrant the risk and high penalties.

Rather than present a fake ID, if stopped by a policeman when driving, it would be better not to have an ID.  For that government will fine you a few hundred dollars and possibly jail you for a day or two.  However, the government agents will go ballistic if you present a fake ID.

Normally, when your activities involve the government, you need a driver license or ID issued by the state.  You may be able to use fake and acquired identification documents to obtain a driver license, but don't drive without a state issued driver license and, in any case, don't present a fake ID if stopped by a policeman.

I have checked almost every state, including states that should know better such as Alaska, New Hampshire, and Wyoming, and almost every state requires a SSN or a letter from the Social Security Administration before they will issue a driver license. Also typically, before they will issue a SSN, the Social Security Administration will want the original or certified copy of your birth certificate and a driver license to prove your identity.


It is like a Catch-22. The Social Security Administration wants your driver license before they issue a social security card and SSN, and all the states insist on a social security card or SSN before they will issue a driver license. However, the Social Security Administration may accept a college ID card for Identification and that is easy to obtain.

If you are an employer, it just takes a few seconds to verify with the Social Security Administration a SSN, name, and date of birth.  Therefore, if you use as SSN, the name and date of birth you provide must match the records with the Social Security Administration.

Finding a valid SSN, name, and date of birth for a live person under forty is very difficult.  On the internet, you can find a few if you Google the following and include the quotation marks and include the "-" or else you will get too many sites containing the words died, death, and navy:  "SSN: ###-" DOB -died -death -navy where ### is the first three digits of a SSN. Even then, many of the numbers found are fakes and most of the others are people convicted of a crime or where someone is attempting to find them for child support.

Best Fake ID Cards

Best Fake ID Cards

The best fake USA ID is the new enhanced Florida driver license. See photo:

That is the Florida driver licenses issued after the summer of 2005. For the best fake ID, print the ID using a template, apply a simulated hologram for the four small FL's, and overlay with the Great Seal (Florida version) hologram.  Provided it is not scanned or placed under an ultraviolet black light, the fake ID will be so accurate that it can be used as an ID card even with the state of Florida.  You can download a self-executing zip file of the templates for the new enhanced Florida driver license at:

Name:             New FL ID.exe

Size:                68.4MB (71681536 bytes)

Created:         2010-07-19 07:35:33


Except that it does not including the small FL's, the Great Seal (Florida version) is almost identical to the hologram on the new Florida driver license. With simulated holograms for the FL's, without very close examination, you cannot tell the fake ID from an actual real ID.  And it is very unlikely that anyone will spend more than a few seconds examining your driver license. The following two photos show a representation of the Florida hologram, followed by a representation of the Great Seal (Florida version), and then a photo provided by the manufacturer of the Great Seal:

The manufacturer of the Great Seal holograms gave me a very low resolution photo of the artwork for the Great Seal (Florida version) hologram. However, the actual hologram is extremelly high resolution.  I examined it under an 8 power maginfying glass and the letters and object were very crisp and detailed. And, try as I may, i find it very difficult to photograph a hologram.

The pimary difference between the Great Seal (Florida version) and the hologram on the new enhanced Florida driver license is that at the top, the actual State Seal of Florida reads, GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA and the Great Seal (Florida version) hologram reads, GRAND SEAL OF THE STAFF OF FLORISTS. The bottom for both reads, IN GOD WE TRUST.

The letters are very small and it is difficult to read such small letters on holograms anyway. Therefore, it very unlikely anyone would ever notice. For extreme precaution take a toothpick and an abrasive cleaner like Comet and using the tip of the tooth pick make little scratches over the letters after the letters FLORI
and perhaps a couple of other letters.  All ID cards after they have been in your billfold for couple of months will be covered with little scratches which hide parts of the holograms, so that would appear normal.

The Great Seal hologram may be available on eBay or other locations. On eBay search for ID Card Hologram Overlay and look for Seal of Trust, Great Seal, or Grand Seal holograms. Also Goggle ID card holograms and look for sites or ads on the right with any of the same holograms. When purchasing you may have to specifically request the Florida version or you will get the other version which is very similar but the wording within the seal is different and doesn't say IN GOD WE TRUST

Another advantage of a fake Florida driver license is there are lots of people in Florida and whatever name you choose, you can find someone with the name of a similar age and create a fake Florida driver license with his name, date of birth, and driver license number.  Then your fake ID can be verified.  To do that the following steps are necessary:


  1. Go to and type in a name. That will return a number of people with that name in Florida and give their ages.
  2. Then pay $1.95 on the same site to obtain their dates of birth and addresses.
  3. Select someone; go to, type in name, sex, and date of birth to obtain the correct driver license number. Add -0 to the number returned.  The -0 is a counter starting with zero in case more than one person has the same name and date of birth.

  4. Go to and enter the driver license number. If the person has a Florida driver license and it is extremely likely that the person does, that will verify the number and provide the expiration date. 
    If the expiration date is after Aug 2013 the person was issued the new enhanced Florida driver license. Otherwise, the person is still using an earlier version of the Florida driver license.  I do provide a template for the earlier version. 

The second best fake ID is the Arkansas driver license. I don't know of any way to verify the driver license number. However, otherwise, it is a very accurate template. More accurate than any picture you will find on the internet and more accurate than the picture shown in the I.D. Checking Guide for all the states. I know because I have an Arkansas driver license and I also have a scan of the one that expired last year. The following is very accurate novelty ID of the Arkansas driver license:

How to Make a Fake ID Card

If you have access to the expensive ID printers that cost $5,000, use it to make a fake ID card. Otherwise there are several inexpensive methods to make a fake ID card. Unless you are only making a few ID cards, I recommend printing to inkjet ID cards as described below in numbers 1 and 2 because it requires minimal effort and gives very good results.

However, the methods described in numbers 3 and 4 will also give very good results and are more waterproof and about as much or more durable than printing to inkjet ID cards. Inkjet ID cards are durable enough that you cannot scratch the ink and coating off with your fingernail, but you can make scratch marks. Inkjet ID cards are almost waterproof especially the 5 colors. The black is less waterproof.


  1. The recommended method if you are going to print more than twenty fake ID cards and don't already have an Epson inkjet printer that prints directly to CDs and DVDs, is to purchase for about $150 to $200 a color photo ID system consisting of the Epson Artisan 50, ID card tray, inkjet PVC ID cards and a CD with special drivers for printing ID cards, software, templates, and complete instructions, including instruction on how to design ID cards.
    If you already own an Epson Artisan 50, you can purchase on eBay or inkjet ID cards and an ID tray with instructions for the special drivers that are required for printing ID cards.


  1. Purchase on eBay or Cragslist a used Epson R280. Used ink cartridges leak during shipping so they should be removed and place in a Ziploc bag. After printing your fake ID cards you can sell the R280 and get most of your money back. If you are handy with simple tools, you can modify your CD/DVD tray to print on inkjet PVC ID cards.  The following are the instructions for modifying an R280 and other Epson R series CD/DVD trays that you can then use to print inkjet PVC ID cards.
    1. Find some smooth cardboard the thickness of the 30 mil ID card but not more than the thickness of the 50 mil CD/DVDs.  If you have the tools, patterns made with 30 mil or 1/32" plastic, PVC, or laminates for counter-tops are better.
    2. Cover both sides of the cardboard with clear uncoated appliqué film such as Chartpak DAFC8.  This is not required but it allows you to wash off the ink that will invariable get on the cardboard.
    3. Download the following file to make an exact size pattern:
    4. Using the pattern cut the adapter for the ID cards.  Cut as accurate as possible so there are no gaps larger than 1/16".  This allows a smooth surface so the printer will not be damaged.
    5. Drill a 5/8" diameter hole in the center of the tray to remove the raised portion in the tray that locks the CD/DVDs in place.  You will still be able to use the tray to print CDs and DVDs.

  2. Print to clear appliqué film with a laser printer and attach to blank PVC ID cards. You can also print to matte appliqué film. That has the advantage of hiding the air bubbles that invariable get between the appliqué film and the PVC ID card. However, the matte appliqué film doesn't have the shinny appearance of most ID cards.
    You can also use an inkjet printer and print to inkjet appliqué film. However, inkjet appliqué film requires a coating to absorb the ink and the coating is not water proof. If you don't have a laser printer, print to photo quality paper, take the paper and the clear appliqué film to Kinko's and copy to the appliqué film.


To make the fake ID driver license using appliqué film, have the following items: The printed image on clear appliqué film, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, a clear work surface such as a countertop, and a sheet of plain white paper.


  1. Cut out the ID image that you printed on appliqué film with an extra half inch border all around.
  2. Place the sheet of white paper on a clean countertop or work surface and place a PVC ID card on the white paper. Make certain the ID card is spotlessly clean. Any speck of dust will result in bump on the appliqué film.
  3. Spread two or three drops of rubbing alcohol and visually check that there is no dust that has settled. The rubbing alcohol will temporarily coat the adhesive on the back of the appliqué film making it slippery and easy to slide into position on the ID card.
  4. Place the appliqué film on the PVC ID card, slide into position, and press the overlapping edges onto the paper, thereby locking the appliqué film into position on the ID card.
  5. From center outward press out all the air and alcohol bubbles. Let it set for two hours so that the adhesive will start bonding to the ID card. Then press out any air bubbles that may have formed at the edges of the ID and let it set up for another eight or more hours. By then most of the alcohol will have been absorbed into the adhesive or at least the bond will be strong enough to work with.
  6. Take a pair of very good scissors such as Fiskars Razor Edged and trim to the edge of the ID card. Take care not to cut the ID card. You can sand the edges with emery cloth. However, if you trim well, that will not be necessary.
  7. Turn the ID card over and repeat for the back side. It may take another week before all the alcohol has evaporated and you have a good enough bond to subject the ID card to hard usage. An advantage with this method is that you can use a couple of drops of alcohol to slide a hologram overlay into position and eliminate any air bubbles that may have otherwise formed. You cannot use alcohol with inkjet ID cards. However, take care to prevent too much sliding and rubbing when applying a hologram. The laser printing may not as alcohol proof as it is water proof.

  1. Print to 10 mil synthetic paper such as iGage, Teslin, or Artisyn. In some ways this produces the best ID cards. It is waterproof and the most durable. Also, if you apply an overlay, you don't have the problem of air bubbles.
    I prefer this method to number 3, printing to appliqué film.  It is more durable and, if you apply a hologram or clear overlay, you eliminate the hassle of using alcohol to align and prevent air bubbles.  Printing to synthetic paper does result in a less shinny or dull finish. However, with a hologram overlay, the appearance will be identical to state issued ID cards. The slighty dull finish on the back side probably doesn't matter and, if so, just apply a clear ID overlay or overlay with appliqué film. Other than the labor involved, the only disadvantage is the resulting ID card is only half as stiff as a PVC ID card. The instructions to make a fake ID card with 10 mil synthetic paper are as follows:


  1. Print the front side of one to four ID card images to plain bond paper. Turn the paper over and print the back sides.
  2. Printers are not perfect. Therefore, it is likely that you will need to make a small adjustment to the margin when printing the back side so that the front and back sides overlay perfectly.
  3. When the front and back side overlay perfectly, print the front side to a sheet of synthetic paper and the back side to another sheet and turn that sheet over.
  4. Place a third sheet of synthetic paper between the two sheets with the front and backs sides facing out. After stacking or lining up the paper, staple two rows of staples with the rows a couple of inches apart along the bottom. This will hold the synthetic paper with the images in position.
  5. Cut two pieces of paper large enough to cover all the printed images and Scotch tape the paper around the images. This will protect the images from dirt and the 3M Super 77 spray on adhesive which somehow finds a way to get on surfaces where it is unwanted.
  6. Lift the top two sheets and spray 3M Super 77 adhesive on the insides of the bottom two sheets. Lift the top sheet and spray 3M Super 77 adhesive on the insides of the top two sheets. When gluing with 3M Super 77 adhesive, for the strongest bond, the adhesive should be applied to both sides that go together. Press the sheets together following instructions on the can. That will form an excellent bond and may even fuse the three sheets togethe.  After trimming, the edges will not have visible layers.
  7. You can then remove the protective paper on the front and back and cut the images to make you ID cards. I prefer to overlay the image with an ID card, using it as a guide to cut the ID to the exact size. Take care that the ID card doesn't slip when trimming.
How to Apply a Hologram Overlay

Hologram overlays are only slightly smaller than the ID card. Therefore, it is difficult to place them in the exact position with the paper backing removed. However, if applying a hologram overlay to a regular PVC ID card or if applying to an appliqué film overlay, apply two or three drops of rubbing alcohol, over the entire surface of the ID card. That coats the adhesive, making it very slippery so you can then slide the overlay into position and, starting at the center, rub out any air and alcohol bubbles. Use the same method as described for applying appliqué film to a PVC ID card in the foregoing number 3.

If applying a clear or hologram overlay to synthetic paper or an inkjet ID card, do the following:


1.   Lift one end of the hologram so you can cut the paper backing into about one inch from that end.
2.   Replace the paper backing, lay the hologram overlay on top of the ID card and place into position. Then holding the opposite end, remove the smaller piece of paper backing and attach that end of the hologram to the ID card.
3.   Then lift and remove the remaining paper backing and press the hologram onto the ID card.


How to Make a Simulated ID Hologram

2.    Order a small bottle of PearlEx Pigments.
Brilliant Gold and Pearlwhite appear to be the most reflective but almost any color will work. A used bottle or bottles from eBay may be the lowest price choice.  A teaspoon full is all you will need for a few hundred ID cards so don't be concerned about the quantity in the bottle.
3.    Order an 8 oz bottle of SpeedBall transparent base.  Any thick transparent paint or varnish will do.
4.    Make a black and white copy of the hologram(s) that are on your ID card or driver license. If it is a state seal, Google to find a photo file of the appropriate state seal.
5.    Print a black and white image of the hologram on the transparency film supplied with the Stencil Pro Starter Kit.  Increasing the print density is better.  The ink or toner should be a carbon base. Set your printer to the highest density.  If not dense enough to make a good stencil, find another printer or make a copy on a copy machine.  If your state seal is 2 inches in diameter, it will be easy to make a good stencil. Small diameter (less than 1 inch) state seals will have fine lines that light can diffuse under.
6.    Follow the instruction that come with the Stencil Pro Starter Kit to make the stencil.  Make certain to lay the transparency film with the printed face on top of the Stencil Pro.  Otherwise, the thickness of the transparency film is enough for light to diffuse under any fine lines. In sunlight the exposure time given in the instructions may be on the high side. My best results were 2/3rds of the stated exposure time.  Cut several test pieces and make test stencils with varying exposure times to determine the best results.
7.    Mix 1/2 teaspoon of PearlEx to 1/4 cup of Speedball transparent base (clear paint or varnish can be used). Then apply to the stencil.  The Stencil Pro starter kit comes with a squeegee but I obtained better results by dipping my finger into the mixture and applying with my finger using little circle motions.
8.    Allow a little time to dry. If you can rotate the image and not see the hologram image, mix another 1/4 teaspoon of Pearl EX to the base. Keep adding and mixing 1/4 teaspoon of PearlEx until the image is barely visible when rotated to be least visible or until the simulated hologram looks good. If you add too much Pearl EX, add and mix a couple tablespoons of the base to your mixture.

Before making the simulated hologram, make certain the stencil, your hands, and work area are completely dry; otherwise the stencil will stick.  Especially, if applying to inkjet PVC ID cards start with everything very dry and after applying the mixture to the stencil, don't delay; remove the stencil (you don't have to rush). The coating for inkjet PVC ID cards has an adhesive that will glue itself to the stencil if the stencil is not completely dry or if the stencil remains on too long after applying the base with the Pearl EX.
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Birth Certificates

Birth Certificates

You can download a self-executing zip file for a number of ID templates and birth certificate templates at:

This is a large file because the templates are large files and because of all the different fonts used and included. I need to create and upload a self-executing zip files for the ID card templates and another self-executing zip file for the ID documents templates but for now they are combined into one self-executing zip file.

You can download templates for high school transcripts, including a filled out samples, at:

 Also, I suggest printing the birth certificate and high school transcript templates on security paper and that the birth certificate includes an embossed seal.  You can create a template for embossed seals at:

Printing on security paper with an embossed seal makes the documents look more official and you can state some of the security features (like the states and schools often do) so anyone receiving a document can validate it as genuine.  It doesn't matter that you are they only person that would have it, the fact that they can validate per your instructions, makes the documents more acceptable.

If you live is different time zone so that you can present the documents early in the morning before the California offices would be open. My first recommendation would be the Alpine County, California birth certificate template and make it dated at least a dozen years ago.  Alpine County only has 1,100 people and no hospital (I believe most of the births are in Nevada) so no one will have seen one.  I don't know if any births are even recorded in Alpine County.

If you select the birth certificate template with the border, print on white security paper with a light blue or other color face. If you select the one without the border, print on basket-weave security paper. My recommendation is the copy with a border.

Embossed Seal:  Many identity documents, especially birth certificates and some transcripts, have an embossed seal.  You can buy an Embossing Pocket or Desk Seal, but perhaps not one that reads both your State Department of Health along the top and your County and State along the bottom unless you order one from China. See for sources in China.


Companies in China are not subject to USA law enforcement, so if you can find a China company that will sell you one embossed seal, that is good choice. Shipping by air will be $30. Otherwise, it will take six weeks. The total cost will be about $80 to $100.


Companies in China are as honest as USA companies but you may have a communication problem. I recommend sending a picture of the Embossed Seal; otherwise, you might buy be buying a blank insert without the embossing. They will not be attempting to deceive; it will only be a communication problem.


If you purchase an embossed seal in the USA, I recommend, Fred L. Lakes & Co. No one else was close to their price and I checked with many. Everyone else would charge a $40 custom surcharge for any slight deviation such as replacing an * with a star, larger lettering in the center, or inserting a common symbol.


At Fred L. Lakes & Co., you should be able to purchase either of the following without paying a surcharge and they could be used on fake birth certificates or transcripts. You will have to specifically request a rope border, the stars, Old English in the center, and the symbols above and below the word S E A L.


For the one on the left you would need to lightly emboss the letters in the outer circle. The one on the right is general purpose and may be acceptable for both transcripts and birth certificates. Also, it would eliminate the difficulty of hand embossing the letters in the outer circle. The rope border is not as common because if the embossing cuts the paper you can end up with a circular hole in your document. However, with my embossed seal from Fred L. Lakes & Co. I have not found that to be a problem. It made the impressions without cutting the paper.


If you want an embossed seal with the top reading DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH and the bottom reading YOUR CITY or COUNTY, STATE, and you prefer not to order from China, order the embossed seal without the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH and hand embosses the letters DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. See the following instructions.


 How to Make an Embossed Seal:   It will take at least an hour, but for a single identity document it may be practical for you to make an embossed seal.  However, it is extremely difficult to make circles without them appearing very jagged.  I suggest ordering an embossed seal without some or all of the lettering in the outer circle. To design the imaged, go to:

Print the reverse image of the seal you wish to emboss on a sheet of paper. Place the reverse image on the back of the document you wish to emboss. The letters and circles will and should be raised on the face of the document. Use two small pieces of magic tape to keep the reverse image in position.  Press the magic tape on your hand first so they are not as sticky. You don't want the paper to tear when you remove the tape.

Place the document face down on soft wood or a paper towel. You want some give, but not a lot. Then use a very fine ballpoint pen and roll and press into the letters to make a very light impression.  The results are not crisp. Therefore, you want the embossed seal to be very light. You only need it impressed enough to see and feel that it is there.

If you wish to hand emboss the complete seal, instead of the above, it is better to print the image for the embossed seal on the front of the document and then turn the document over to very lightly emboss the image. That way anyone can feel that it is embossed and the imperfection are hidden by the printed image. It is very unlikely that anyone would turn the document over to closely examine the embossing. This also is excellent for using an embossed seal without the letters in the outer circle and then lightly embossing them on the printed image. However, it usually takes me a half dozen attempt to correctly overlay one of the embossed seals with printing.  Any sheets of security paper where the embossing doesn't overlay the printing within 1/32" gets tossed in the wastebasket.

It is extremely difficult to hand emboss a complete seal because of the difficult of making the circles without them being overly jagged.


Obtain a Valid ID using a Fake Birth Certificate 


It is easy to make most college IDs; especially if you have one that you can copy.  However, using my birth certificate and home school high school transcript templates, it is easy to get a genuine college ID. Just enroll in a one, two, or three semester-hour course at a community college. With most community colleges it is the money they are after so they are not going to be verifying your documents.  After enrolling and being issued the ID, you can withdraw from the class and receive a refund of the tuition.


Just in case, you are asked for identification when enrolling, use one of my templates to make a fake driver license. If you don't wish to make a simulate hologram, use the Florida template and overlay with the Great Seal hologram. While it is better to use a template based on the new enhanced Florida driver license, the older template will be fine; especially, if the community college is not in Florida.


SSN & Tax ID No.

SSN & Tax ID No.

I am finding that creating a new identity is very difficult, especially if it requires a SSN.  One option is to apply for a SSN, get turned down because you don't have all their required documents, and use the letter they will issue you denying a SSN to obtain a driver license and an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN). An ITIN looks like a SSN and in most cases can be used in lieu of a SSN.

One choice is to type on a piece of paper Record of Birth with a name, date of birth, names of parents, and have it signed and dated with four signatures, witnessing the birth.  Take it to the Social Security office as your birth certificate. Tell them you don't know where any of the people are and your parents left where you were very you at a commune where you were raised.

It is doubtful they will give you a SSN with no more than that.  However, if they deny a SSN get a letter from them denying you an SSN and use that letter to get from the IRS a ITIN and a driver license.

For more information and additional things you might do to create the necessary documents, see the page Create a New Identity under the heading New Identity.

Other ID Documents

Other ID Documents

I may add more later.  However, a good choice if you are under age 26 is to pick pick up the form from the Post Office and register wilth the Selective Service System.  If you pick up the form from the Post Office, you are not required to provide a SSN.  It is a very good secondary form of identification. 

You should use a mail drop and for extreme safety, I suggesting getting someone else to fill it in and sign it.  Pay a child or transit $10.  The risk is extremely low because that is not what people do.  Therefore, it is very unlikely that any government clerk will question it.  In about six weeks you will receive the draft card in the mail.

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Borrow an Identity

Borrow an Identity

Assume Somebody's Identity
Where a completely new identification is needed, perhaps the easiest method is to assume another person's identity.  What you will need is his name, birth certificate, high school and/or college transcript, and SSN.  The person should not live nearby unless it is a large city.  To obtain the necessary information, do the following: 

  Rent a P.O. Box or Mail Box in the name of business such as Alpha Enterprises or Alpine Construction, Inc.  Use fake identification so the box cannot be associated with you.  To do that you will need two forms of identification. 


Use a driver license template and make a fake out of state driver license with a simulated hologram or the Great Seal hologram. 
Design a company photo ID or use a template for a photo college ID.
I suggest a third form of identification.  Scan and edit your vehicle registration and insurance or utility bill.  Edit any information such as name and numbers that might be identified to you.
2.    If you have laptop and know how, drive around and borrow the internet to create a gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc. email address.  Or go to the library and use your fake ID to sign in to use the computer.  Or just find an open computer and use it for the several minutes required.  The problem with using your personal internet is that it can identify you from the IP address.

 Go to Wal-Mart and buy a prepaid cell phone that does not require your identification to use and pay for it with cash. Use is long enough to borrow an identity. Then break it and throw it in the garbage.

 If possible, buy a onetime prepaid Credit or Debit card, from Wal-Mart, Kroger, or some local store that does not require an SSN, and pay with cash.  $50 or $100 should suffice.  When empty, discard it. Don't ever renew.

 Place an employment add for the college or more educated type stating, "Mail resume and photo ID to company, and P.O. or Mail box address.  You can post the ad for free on college bulletin boards. You may also find other bulletin boards at churches, libraries, and local businesses. 

 However, I would run an ad in out-of-state newspaper.  Don't advertise on line, the email address can be traced and they are going to ask for payment by Credit Card or PayPal.  The major newspaper may require too much identification information.  If so, Google to find some small local newspapers.  You should be able to call, get prices and mail the payment for the employment advertisement or pay with the prepaid credit card, if you were able to purchase on.   Otherwise, purchase and mail a Postal or other Money Order.

 In this economy, a weeklong employment ad in local newspaper should get you a dozen or more replies.  The copy of the photo ID will likely be his driver license giving his date of birth and the resume should provide the SSN and names of schools attended. 

 Select several people within five years of your age. Write a cover letter stating the position involves contract work for the military and request they fill out SF 85P ($file/SF85P.pdf) and return in the postage prepaid envelope.  That provide his life history and everything you need to know to order his birth certificate, You can use the birth certificate and his SSN to obtain a driver license.

 Not necessary but I suggest returning all the resumes with a brief form letter with a signature you uploaded from the internet letter stating that due to a downturn in the economy the position has been canceled.  Here are a few signatures that you can clean up with Photoshop:

 If the age of the person whose identity you are borrowing is under 26 go to the post office and pick up a form to registrar for the draft.  A SSN is not required with the mail in form.  It will be a good form of identification and likely acceptable as a secondary form of identification when applying for a driver license.  There is almost zero risk because registering for the draft to obtain secondary identification is not what people do and the government never does anything until after a problem is discovered.  Nevertheless, write the information—name, address, etc.—on a piece of paper and pay a child or transit $10 to fill it out and sign it.

 Registrar to vote.  That is another acceptable secondary form of identification that you can use to obtain a driver license.

12.    Order one or more utilities in your new name. Another good form of identification and establishes residency within the state for when you apply for a driver license.

 Open a non-interest paying checking account and obtain a prepaid credit card in your new name.

Now you have all the documents you could possible need to obtain a driver license.  You may wish to take a weeklong driving course, have the instructor go with you, provide the car for the driving test, and assist you in obtaining a driver license.  They probably know him.  Therefore, no one will question why you don't already have a driver license.  Obviously you would not be taking the driving course if you were and experienced driver.

 After obtaining a driver license, I highly recommend that you obtain a passport.  It is good insurance in case something goes awray and/or you need or wish travel or take a trip outside the USA.  Keep the passport in safe place.  However, don't use it within the USA. Walk across the border into Mexice and travel from there.   If you person whose identity you are borrowing decides to get a passport, your passport will be canceled and flagged.  However, it should be accepted outside the USA.

Don't use another person's identity to commit fraud.  Only a fool would use another person's identity for actions that might be considered fraud because it would guarantee a conviction even if otherwise, it might be considered normal business practice.

If you are using another person's identity and someone feels cheated, you don't have a defense. The facts will not matter. If you used another person's identity, the jury will believe that you were up to no good.

Using another person's identity is of limited value.  You can use it to open a noninterest checking account and to obtain a prepaid credit card.  And, you can earn wages provide they are not reported.  You will need to take care to make certain that no wages, interest, or income is reported to the IRS.  Certainly, the IRS will ask or notify the person about any income, wages, or interest he did not report on his 1040.

I would be especially careful about using the identity for any form of credit since it can be reported to the credit agencies.  Nevertheless, assuming an identity can be use to disappear and even earn wages where a SSN is not required, such as mowing lawns, being a handyman, or buying a truck and moving furniture.



As explained in the title Create Identities, the simplest alias only requires that you use a different name when introducing or presenting yourself.  No identification is required.  However, as I stated, you might wish to print a few business cards and print a driver license or a college or employment ID.

Basically, this is only useful for short-term personal relationships and to maintain some privacy from nosy busybodies.

Create a New Identity

Create a New Identity

How to Create a New Identity in the USA


I am finding that creating a new identity is very difficult, especially if it requires a birth certificate and an SSN.  One option is to apply for a SSN, get turned down because you don't have all their required documents, and use the letter they will issue you denying a SSN to obtain an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN). An ITIN looks like a SSN and in most cases can be used in lieu of a SSN.

As I explained under the heading Disappear on the page Disappear in the USA, it may be best to borrow an identity in addition to creating a new identity.

First of all, do understand that I am not urging you to commit fraud or break any laws.  This is only a discussion which I hope will engender great caution. I am only describing methods that might be used by someone attempting to create a new identity.

You natural right to create a new identity and to make false statements on the documents the government requires is not the issue.  The government is not interested in your natural rights.  The steps required to obtain a new identity is very risky business and the state has very severe penalties if you make false statements on their document.

The very best choice, if you can do it, is to date someone or bribe somebody that works for vital statistics; or else, if could get employed by vital statistics. The birth certificate could then be entered into the records and on the computer showing the birth recorded during the first few days or within the first year of your birth. You would then have a birth certificate issued by a government entity that could be verified and that would provide the means to obtain a driver license, a SSN, and even a passport.

Getting a job with vital statistics is probably not practical.  A $5,000 bribe might work. However, depending on your age and level of attractiveness, dating someone would be the best choice.  It is very easy to meet and date a young woman if she thinks she is doing well.  Date someone that is a little older and lost her bloom or date a big girl. Take her out two or three time and get into her pants.  After that you can mention marriage and she will be desperate to please you and will do most anything you ask. Just have plausible story.  "The birth certificate is for your best friend or cousin."

One problem would be that the birth certificates may be consecutively numbered and the computer may reject duplicate numbers. Also you would want a number that matches the birth year.  That problem would be solved if the numbering system includes the birth year.  Just add the number to the end of the birth year.  Otherwise, just pull and replace a birth certificate and change the computer record.

You could immediately apply for a driver license, a SSN, and a passport and, and since you would no longer require the birth certificate, three to four months later, after obtaining the required documents, the record of your birth could be pulled from vital statistics and thereby eliminating the possibility of the fraud being discovered at a later date. If, due to the numbering system, you needed to replace an existing birth certificate, the existing record could be replaced It very unlikely that anyone would order that birth certificate within that short time period.

If you accomplished it by dating, you need find a way to part without the young woman feeling used. Otherwise, she is liable to be vindictive and report the whole thing. Just start acting like she is the living end and that you will do anything she wants to keep her.  She will look at you funny like and before long she will start taking advantage of you.  Then you can be offended and not call her.  She knows that she was taking advantage of you. Therefore, in effect, she broke with you and, in that event, she will not feel used.

If you cannot get a birth certificate, you will need to get a delayed birth certificate.  A baptismal record is usually acceptable. I don't know much about baptismal records but I understand they are kept at each parish and probably not under lock and key. Get religion and volunteer to help. Do custodial work and/or office work. Be squeaky clean and honest. I don't know how the records are kept but they must be on paper. Twenty years ago it would have be a different priest and, if not, find a different parish. You can scan a record and edit it with Photoshop and reprint the applicable portion and replace the record.  I suppose there should be a Godfather and you can find someone that will be your Godfather and sign a document that he knew of the birth and baptism. Find some transit or homeless person and pay him $1,000.  For that he will not only sign a document, he will be willing testify in court.

Another acceptable record is kindergarden, 1st grade, or all of grade school.  Find a small school and the records will be kept in a folder and not computerized; especially twenty year old records.  It shouldn't be difficult to get to the records; especially when school is closed.  It will not be like bank vault. There are no valuables to steal so the locks will just be simple inexpensive locks. You can buy a lock pick gun at and use a mail drop.  YouTube has several videos on how to use them. From the videos, and with a little practice you can open a lock in seconds.  Pick a folder, scan, edit with Photoshop, and reprint the applicable portions; then replace the folder.  Even though the risk is very low, unlawful entry can be considered a serious crime so I must advise against it. However, it is something someone might do.

It is unlikely for a small school, but the school could have an alarm system with or without motion detectors and it could just be inside the office.  Make sure nobody is inside, open the office door walk a feet inside and then leave and watch from a block away for an hour to see if anyone shows up.  Next time, have a friend wait outside to watch from some distance. And carry a vibrating cell phone.  If he calls, don't talk just listen and leave by whichever side he says after you ditch the lock pick gun without your fingerprints on it. It is a crime to be caught with burglary tools on you.

In the unlikely event you get caught; DON'T TALK to the police other than your name, address, identification, and phone number. Nothing you say can help but it CERTANILY will harm you. There is no crime in entering an unlocked public building. However, you have convicted yourself if you are foolish enough to tell the police it was unlocked. If you are naive and don't understand why you don't talk to the police--Google Don't talk to the police and watch the videos. 

You might ask the police "Why are you questioning me?" in a tone that indicates you are offended that they would even suspect you.  Then, whatever they ask, you can hand them your driver license and/or keep saying I have nothing to say. You can ask, "Am I under arrest?" and, if they say "No," say "Am I free to go?"

Anything you say will be checked out.  What you don't say must be checked out with all the endless possibilities.  That is too much work for what may be some petty offense. Pay a fine and be done with it.  Martha Stewart's only crime was talking to the FBI. The police are seeking information to use against. Don't give them any.  That way obtaining the required information requires too much work.

This will require two trips. Once to obtain one or folders and another to return the folder(s) after you have altered the information.  The return is very quick.

Records from a licensed day care center would be acceptable.  Usually they are small operations and fewer records with just a form listing the name and date of birth of the child and the names of one or both parents.  It might be easy to get a job with them since they have a difficult time hiring male child care workers.  After a week or two you could volunteer to help in the office and then input the information you need.

If you cannot accomplish one of the foregoing methods, you will have to create an identity to obtain a delayed birth certificate.  This method will be adequate to obtain a driver license and an SSN but not passport.  To understand why it may not be adequate to obtain a passport, see the page Disappear in the USA under the heading Disappear.  I highly recommend that you assume somebody's identity to obtain a passport since you cannot predict if your new identity will create problems and/or if for other reasons you may need to leave the USA.  Or perhaps, you may wish to take a trip outside the USA.

To obtain a passport, in addition to creating an identity, you will need to borrow the identity of a person.  Your created identity should have the same name and date of birth as the borrowed identity.  For instruction on how to borrow an identity and obtain a passport refer to the page Borrow an Identity.

To create an identity, you will need a story and you will need to create what documents you can. The documents need to be too difficult for the state to verify.  You will also need a witness that can verify your birth.  None of that is difficult to obtain. 

Most likely, vital statistics will not issue you a delayed birth certificate.  It will not be personal.  It is just that they are government clerks and incapable of thinking for themselves.  Therefore, they are following the stated rules.  Therefore, you will need to get a court to issue an order for vital statistics to issue you a delayed birth certificate.

That is not difficult either but, unless you are a natural liar, you need to believe your own story. The way to believe your own story is to say or tell your story out loud one hundred times.  You subconscious and in effect you will then accept the story as the truth.  Therefore, when you tell it you will be very believable because your tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language will convey to anybody hearing your story that you are telling the truth.

When you go to court, don't attempt to get by on the cheap.  Hire a very expensive attorney with political influence.  You want someone that the judge will not question.  A state senator or the current or past president of the bar association would be ideal.

You need to invent a story that you are conformable with.  My choice would be I was born and raised in a commune such as East Wind in Missouri.  East Wind was founded in 1973 and is one of larger communes.  Communes come and go and often have less than a hand full of members.  They disband, the property gets sold and there are no records. 

Continuing my story would be that I was born at the commune; no doctor; and my birth was recorded on a sheet of paper and witnessed by several people.  A notary seal would even be better. Buy an embossed notary stamp from China and the stamp is too hard to read and signatures are not easily readable.  There are thousands of notaries, so no court is going to check it out; nor will anyone else since that would be expensive and they would nothing to gain.  You can download the transcripts to create a high school record.  Basically just home schooled at the commune and so there would be no way to verify.

I would say, I never knew my father and my mother, an occasional prostitute, left when I was seven and I just live on the commune until age 17 when I left with someone to live in Canada.  I just walked across the border, I don't recall being questioned.  And, I lived with a family in Canada until a few years ago.  I have moved around a lot.  For transportation, I would ake a bus or hitchhike and I would dopart time jobs such as moving furniture, mowing lawns, and concrete work.

For a witness, a lady that could have babysat a few times would do.  Prostitutes are good liars.  Also, con men that you met and have hard luck story and want  money.  Tell one that he looks like a man you knew when you was a young child and lived in a commune. If he is that person, you would pay him $2,500 to tell the court that he knew me. Explain that it will only take a few minutes in court.  In court he can say, your father didn't hang around after the birth and your mother was a dancer and she met some guy and never returned .

Almost certainly, for that kind of money, he was that person.  If not, the next one you meet would be.  He can even be one of the witnesses that signed your birth record.  With him and your birth record, you may not need to go to court. Vital statistics may just issue you a delayed birth certificate.  Either way, you will get your delayed birth certificate.  With the delayed birth certificate, you can get your driver license and then a SSN.

An alternate solution would be to take the birth record and apply for an SSN. The Social Security Administration (SSA) will not issue you an SSN with so little documentation.  However, they will issue you a letter that they cannot issue an SSN based on the information provided and you can use that letter to get an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN).  It has nine digits in the same format as an SSN and can be used in lieu of an SSN.  You can use the letter from the SSA to obtain a driver license.

If you have a need to travel outside the USA, you have your passport acquired with the borrowed identity. Just don't use it until you are outside the USA and probably you should not use it in Canada. Walk across the border from South Texas in Mexico.

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How to Dissappear

How to Dissappear

One secret to disappearing it not to make all the common mistakes that leads an investigator to you:

Do your friends and family know where you went and do they have your phone number?  If so, they will reveal the information, either inadvertently, with the carrot and stick, or through trickery.  For example, one investigator posing as a federal marshal met with the daughter of the man he was searching for.  He offered through the daughter a deal so the man could avoid prosecution. Of course she called her father so the investigator got him.

 Did you hire a moving company or rent a U-Haul to move your furniture? Don't hire a moving company.  If you rent a U-Haul within ten day of your actual move, hire college students and pay with cash or even better hire a couple of young men hitchhiking through the state. Then drive an extra 100 miles so the number of miles on the truck will indicate you went 50 miles further.  Break up your move. Move your furniture to a self-service storage that you rent for six months using a fake ID. Sometime within the six months you can get your furniture.  After the lease expires, the management will open or cut the lock off.

 Did you cancel you lease and utilities, and rent a new place and order new utilities within a few days of each other?  If an investigator knows when you left and guesses where you went, checking the new utilities orders may identity you as one of less than 50 receiving new service.  Rent a new place and obtain utilities a month before you move.

Did you leave records by using Google to search you new location?  Did you visit your new location and pay for gas, a motel, food, or buy anything using your credit card? Did you make phone calls, or emails to the new location?  Google maintains search records for 18 months.  If you must use the internet, drive around to search for usable signal and connect to it with your laptop, provided you how, or use the internet on the computers at the library using a fake ID or just find an open computer and use it for a few minutes without first signing in for permission.

If you sell your furniture by advertising in the paper sell it a month before you leave. You can sleep on a cot or air mattress and eat on a folding table. For a month, you can make do with very little furniture.  The folding table and cot are inexpensive so when you depart just leave them behind. To leave a false trail, you can leave a folder with some papers and documents such as a letter you received from a commune about their requirements.  Also include in the folder a completed copy of a lease and some brochures apartment layouts from several large apartment houses in Dallas. 

You may need to forfeit any security deposit. You certainly don't want it mailed to you or deposited into one of your accounts unless you abandon them.  The exception would be to leave a false trail. Open a checking account in Dallas and have the security deposit sent there.  Then forget about it or when you are traveling perhaps you can withdraw it from an ATM or better yet, write a check and mail it to some worthy organization.

Leaving false trails is good.  False trails must be checked and the more time an investigator spends checking out false trails the more likely it is the case goes in a file to be forgotten. Mention to neighbors that you have always liked Dallas and plan to move there.  Don't overdo it.  Contact several moving companies and get estimates on moving to Dallas.  Make long distance phone calls to several Apartment houses in Dallas. Use Google to search Apartments and houses in Dallas. Use your credit card an make reservation for a week at a hotel in Dallas. Cancel a few days later.

Google to find some communes.  Call them on your phone and send and receive a few emails.

Use some fictitious box number on a rural route way down some dirt road close to Dallas.  Use Map Quest and/or Google map to find the roads. Buy a mailbox, affix decals for the number and nail it to a 4x4 post when you are certain the mail carrier will not drive by.  Make certain you comply with postal regulations as to set back from the road, height, numbering system, and decals size and location on the mailbox. Most rural route mail carriers are contracted help and likely they will place mail in the mailbox without asking why it just appeared on their route. 

 Send your forwarding address to the mail box and never return.  Can you imagine how much time an investigator can waste staking out that mail box.
When you disappear to, it needs to be far enough away that you will not be running into people you know.

 If you remain in the USA you really need a completely new identity with a new SSN.  If you borrow an identity you will need to earn wages and other income that is not reported to the IRS. I will address obtaining a completely new identity under the heading New Identity.

A very good choice is to leave the USA. The USA is no longer the free country it once was and other countries have higher standards of living and more freedom.  In any event, leaving the USA is the easiest and best way to disappear and leave your past behind.  If you leave the USA, assume another identity and obtain a passport.  I suggest obtaining two Passports and, since you must appear in person with your passport application, apply at two different offices. To obtain a passport they will want a birth certificate and a driver license or state issued ID from the state where you are applying.

Although not easy, that is not especially difficult.  You will need a USA Passport to leave the USA and enter other countries. However, by borrowing another person's identity, no one will know that you left the USA and you can travel to different countries without being tracked and disappear.

I explained how to borrow someone's identity under the heading New Identity, on the page Borrow an Identity.  However, with some changes, I will repeat the applicable steps you will need to take.  They are as follows:

At separate locations, rent two or more P.O. Boxes or Mail Boxes in the name of businesses  or employment agencies such as Alpha Enterprises or Alpine Employment Agency.  Use fake identification so the box cannot be associated with you. To do that you will need two forms of identification.  
Use a driver license template and make a fake out of state driver license with a simulated hologram or the Great Seal hologram. Design a company photo ID or use a template for a photo college ID. I suggest a third form of identification. 
Scan and edit your vehicle registration and auto insurance or utility bill.  Edit any information such as name and numbers that might be identified to you and so they match your fake driver license.
If you have laptop and you know how, drive around and borrow an internet signal to create a gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc. email address.  Or go to the library and use your fake ID to sign in to use the computer.  Or just find an open computer and use it for the several minutes required.  Don't use your personal internet from your because it will identify you from the IP address.
Go to Wal-Mart and buy a prepaid cell phone that does not require your identification to use and pay for it with cash. Use is long enough to borrow the identities. Then break it and throw it in the garbage.

If possible, buy a onetime prepaid Credit or Debit card, from Wal-Mart, Kroger, or some local store that does not require an SSN, and pay with cash.  $50 or $100 should suffice.  When empty, discard it. Don't buy one that renewable they are more regulated and require an SSN.

Place an employment add for the college or more educated type such as an accountant or civil engineer stating, "Mail resume and photo ID to the company or employment agency's name and P.O. or Mail box address.  You can post the ad for free on college bulletin boards. You may also find other bulletin boards at churches, libraries, and local businesses. 

However, I would run an ad in out-of-state newspaper.  Don't advertise on line, the email address can be traced and they are going to ask for payment by Credit Card or PayPal.  The major newspapers may require too much identification information.  If so, Google to find some small local newspapers.  You should be able to call, get prices and mail the payment for the employment advertisement or pay with the prepaid credit card, if you were able to purchase one.   Otherwise, purchase and mail a Postal or other Money Order.

In this economy, a weeklong employment ad in local newspaper should get you two dozen or more replies.  The copy of the photo ID will likely be the driver license which includes the date of birth and the resume should provide the SSN and names of schools attended.

Select several people within five years of your age. Write a cover letter stating the position involves contract work for the military and request they fill out SF 85P ($file/SF85P.pdf) and return in the postage prepaid envelope.  That provide his life history and everything you need to know to order his birth certificate. And, if he has never traveled outside the USA, he probably never had a passport. You can determine from the information on the SF 85P if you need to order an original or replacement passport.

Order the birth certificate(s) and then obtain a driver license or state ID. To obtain the ID the state may require proof of state resistance such as a bank statement or utility bill with the name and address.  If proof of residency is required, you could scan a utility bill and edit it.  Or rent a room for a week on a weekly basis and get a receipt with a name and phone number that the clerk could call.

It will be easier if you already have an out-of-state driver license. However, you have a copy of the photo ID you requested in the advertisement for employment.  You could use it to make an ID. Scan it and change the photo. Or use one of the ID templates. If you use a fake driver license the agency might check with the issuing state and then cancel it but by then you would have used it to obtain a passport and you don't need it drive.

Once you have the passport, leave the USA. Take a Greyhound to south Texas and walk across the border. Once you travel further into Mexico you may need a tourist permit.  Use one of your passports for that.  Then fly to where you wish to go. That way you have a passport but the USA has no record of you leaving the country. You have become almost untraceable especially if you avoid Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

Just in case you are searched in Mexico or by customs, it might be wise to have on your person only one set of identification documents after crossing the border into Mexico and have the other identification documents couriered to your new country by FedEx.  You can have it shipped and held at a FedEx location until you arrive and either picked or have FedEx deliver it at your hotel.

After you leave the USA and enter another country, until you obtain other identification, your passport and state issued ID or driver license will be your identification.  However, no one is going to be asking for your SSN and certainly not reporting it to the IRS. 

Dissappear in the USA

Dissappear in the USA

How to Disappear Within the USA
Disappearing in the USA requires most of the steps described on the page How to Disappear.  There all that was needed was assuming another person's identity.  That will work for disappearing in the USA, at least for while until they abolish cash.  However, you are limited to income and wages that are not reported to the IRS.

To disappear in the USA what you really need is a completely new identity with a birth certificate, a driver license, and an SSN or at the very least an individual tax identification number (ITIN) if you cannot obtain an SSN.

To acquire the foregoing documents, you need to create a past.  I don't know of any way to create a past with violating numerous laws. Even if a person is willing to violate the laws, and I don't recommend it, it is still problematic.

While it is best if you can accquire everything you need with a new identity, including the ability to get a passport, realistically you may have to settle for what you can get with your new identity.  I would suggest the following:

Using the methods described in the other pages of this heading, borrow an identity to get a driver license and a passport. 

Use the identical name and date of birth fro creating your new identity.  Discard the driver license if and when you obtain a driver license using your new identity. 

As described below in the example below, it is likely that you will not be able to obtain a passport.  Therefore, get a passport with your borrowed identity.  It is good for ten year so keep it safe but don't use it within the USA. That is because if the person whose identity you borrowed obtains a passport, your passport will be canceled and flagged.

If you need to travel outside the USA, walk across the border into Mexico and travel from there.  You passport may not be valid within the USA and could subject you to being arrested should you attempt to use it within the USA.  However, other countries will accept it as valid.  After ten years with your new identity, it is more likely that you can be issued a passport with your new identity.

When and if you can acquire a passport using you new identity, burn the passport and completely discard the borrowed identity because you will not need it.

Under the heading New Identity and on the page Create a New Identity I will describe steps you could take to acquire a completely new identity.  However, first read the following which provides an example of how difficult that can be.

American Citizen age 70 Denied Passport
By Frank Gray | The Journal Gazette

Earl Saylor was born about 70 years ago in a house in the coal country hills of extreme southeast Kentucky.

"It was way back in the hollow," or holler, as Saylor pronounces it, Salt Creek Holler in Harlan County. There were four houses in the holler, he says, and each was about a mile apart, connected by paths. There were no roads.

Earl Saylor was far from the first generation of his family to be born in Kentucky. His father was born there in 1906. About the time Saylor was born, his father was working for the WPA, a Depression-era federal program. He walked six or seven miles to work each day, leaving at 3a.m. and getting home about 9p.m. All that for 50 cents a day, Saylor says.

Before his father, there was Saylor's grandfather, and before him there was a great-grandfather who owned the sides of two mountains.

The point here is that Saylor has deep roots in Kentucky, and in the United States. They go back not decades, but centuries.

Proving that is hard, though, because of the way life was lived in those then-remote areas. Saylor was born at home, delivered by a midwife. The midwife's job, though, was delivering babies, not issuing birth certificates, so Saylor never got one. In fact, his birth wasn't officially recorded anywhere, except in the family's memory.

When Saylor was 16, he left the holler, hitchhiking to Chicago, where he got his first job, as a busboy in the company cafeteria at Aldens, a large Chicago mail-order house. He eventually became a machinist for American National Can.

Today, he's retired and he still goes back to the holler frequently. That's where his family and his roots are.

A few years ago, when he was planning to retire, Saylor realized he needed a birth certificate to collect Social Security, but, as we said, he didn't have one. One didn't exist.

So he got the next best thing, 64 years after his birth: a delayed certificate of birth. Family members issued statements that Saylor was born on a particular date at a particular place. It worked fine, and today Saylor is retired, occasionally traveling with his wife.

This spring, his wife made plans for a trip to Canada, to take place this year. It became clear that for the first time they would need passports.

Saylor and his wife went to the post office and applied at the same time, bringing all the documentation they needed.

A couple of weeks ago, Saylor's wife received her passport, but Earl Saylor's passport never arrived. So she called and was told, "Oh, didn't you get a letter?"

It seems Saylor's delayed certificate of birth isn't good enough for a passport, though no one bothered to notify him until his wife called. He needs a real birth certificate. But there isn't one – anywhere. There never was.

Well, school records, from kindergarten or first grade, the earlier the better, will do. Or proof from census reports taken after he was born, mentioning him by name, will do.

But Saylor went to school in a one-room schoolhouse that isn't even there any more. There might be records somewhere, but finding them could take weeks, if they exist, says his wife, Lavinia. As for the census reports, she didn't have the faintest idea where to get that.

It's frustrating for the Saylors. They have all but written off the planned trip, but with the help of Sen. Richard Lugar's office, they are continuing efforts to dredge up enough documentation to get the passport. Chances are they'll need one someday.

But it does raise an interesting issue. How many people are there out there without birth certificates? How many were never issued one? How many were destroyed in buildings holding these records?

It's more common than one might think, Lavinia Saylor says. It was very common in remote, rural areas of the South in the early 1900s, where babies were often born at home.

One can understand why. In those days, during the Depression, in remote areas, world travel wasn't what people were thinking of when babies were born.

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When I find the time, I may write more but I will make a few comments. Other than the fact that men should treat women nice and with a certain amount of respect, I don't know that there are any firm and fast rules.  Mostly it depends on what you want. If you are a young man wanting a wife and family you will need rules and actions that are different than a young man that is not seeking a relationship but would like to have sex with as many attractive women as possible.

In that event, being completely truthful is not advisable. Certainly women will seldom be completely truthful with you. They want what they want and you want what you want. If you are truthful, they will punish you by denying sex and they will reward your lies with sex.  I believe a few little white lies to get sex is advisable. If you tell a slightly plump young lady, Hi, you are not good enough to be a girlfriend, but I would like to take you bed, it is almost certain that she will punish you for your truthfulness by not give you sex.

Many guys believe that girls don't appreciate good guys and that the girls go for jerks. That is not true.  Being a good guy is good and it helps a little.  However, the so called good guys are typically average without much going for them that attract women.  Typically, the so called jerks are good looking, that are tall, athletic, smart, and have or most likely will have money.  Women are easy for them. Therefore, they don't need to spend much money or time the get women to bed. 

My sister put is best when she said, "I know he has mistreated every other girl, but he will be different with me. Besides, I don't want those other guys [undesirable good guys] anyway." In effect, it is very easy to date girls when they think they are doing well and extremely difficult when you think you are doing well.

If you are one of the hot guys that women are naturally attracted to, you need to be careful. If they see you as a good catch, most likely that to catch you they will get pregnant and claim that the birth control pills failed. That is not true. If properly taken, they are 100 percent effective.  The Center for Disease Control will, for political reasons so women can have an excuse, claim 98 percent effective. Whenever, you hear that excuse and it extremely common, what failed are the women failed to take the birth control pills.

I highly recommend that you have an alias, if you are just seeking to have fun and not have a relationship for more than a month or two, which is about as long as you can have sex before the young ladies start making demands.  You can obtain a checking account and you can rent an apartment in the name of your alias and have a fake ID that she will find a way to see.

Child Support

Child Support

What if Your Wife Divorces You?
 The odds are high because women know they will be awarded the children and half your income. Compared to sharing responsibility and making the effort to please her husband divorce can appear to be a good choice.  Besides, when good looking and what she sees as more desirable men compliment her (that is what men do) she takes is as serious and thinks they will marry her. 

She still sees herself as that pretty 20 year old that all the guys were chasing. However, that is not the way it is.  Men will be nice and tell her they like older women and some do. However, having a preference for older women is not the norm.

Men are attracted to younger women because, in evolutionary terms, that is the winning strategy.  Our ancestors are the men that produced the most descendants. That was accomplished by mating with women that were the best baby makers and had the youth and strength to care for them until they were old enough to care for themselves. Even a one percent advantage per generation for 1,000 generations, about 20,000 years gives a 21,000 [1.01^1000] to 1 advantage.  Men that chose to mate with women even 5 to 10 years older lost out in the evolutionary race and the winners left descendants with the genes to make the same choices.

I say the above to point out that women are not making good choices by choosing to divorce their husbands thinking they can find somebody better.  However, most women are ruled by their emotions; not their logic.  Even most men are ruled more by their emotions than their logic and women far more so.

That said, in most cases, mothers are nurturing but most make very poor single parents. Women are overcautious and the children of single mothers fail to develop self esteem and confidence.  Daughters of single mothers tend to be very sluttish and boys tend to be mommy's boys. Compared to other children, children raised by single mothers do poorly in school, are prone to drug use, and juvenile delinquency.  Granted there are many exceptions, but that is what the evidence shows.  It is fathers that give children self esteem and confidence.  Girls receiving compliments from their father study more and perform better in school and make better choices in life.

Therefore, should you determine that is the situation and if you love and want what is best for your children, you should take them and disappear. However, don't be upset at your ex-wife.  She is just following her nature.  Regardless, of how good a provider and husband you are or were, many and perhaps most wives will want someone different.  If they married a handsome construction worker they are going to want someone with a much higher income. If they married a doctor, they may fall in love with cowboy or truck driver.

Certainly that is not always the case. However, it is true as often as not.  A few women can be logical; just as a small percentage of ex-wives make excellent single moms.  Women are wonderful creatures and we would not want to live world without them.  They are so much fun and they very good at certain things they do. However, if you expect them to think like a man you have unrealistic expectations.  Take advantage of what they offer, when they want you and let them go when they don't.  There are plenty of others to take their place.  Just don't expect them to always be true and faithful and you will not be disappointed.

When out of the blue, you get served with divorce papers, you wife has been planning it for a year and the outcome is predetermined.  You can hire expensive lawyers and all that, but you are better off to conserve you money because you are going to need it to take your children and disappear.  If your children are teenagers or older, just go with whatever the court rules because, by that age, it is not as important and you can't do much about it anyway.  However, if they are young and in grade school and younger, you need to start making plans.

First, you need to be very logical. If you are going to be angry at your ex-wife and need to teach her a lesson then this is not for you. You don't have what it takes and YOU WILL FAIL.

Second, you don't tell anyone your plans.  Don't tell your lawyer because privileged communication does not apply to unlawful activities.  Your plans may be the right thing to do and best for your children, but they are not lawful. Except for laws against murder, stealing, etc., lawful has little to do with what is right and just.  Don't tell your parents, your brother, or even your best and most trusted friend because what they don't know will not harm you and what they do know they will be tricked into revealing without their awareness.

 Steps to take:

  1. Obtain a mail drop that cannot be identified to you using the methods described elsewhere.
  2. As early as possible, even before the divorce has been granted, take a week to two week trip to Namibia. To leave less of a trail, you might fly round trip to South Africa and from their go to Namibia. Air fair will be about $1,500. By the way, there are no VISA requirement between Canada and Namibia. Namibia is a new country having broken off from South Africa, sparkly populated and English speaking. Many people are British decedents.
  3. Officially it is very difficult and time consuming to obtain Namibia documents.  One lady needed birth certificates for her two children.  The clerk handed her two forms to fill out and stamped them.  It may not be that easy. A little money may speed things up. I suggest that you tell someone a little higher up than a clerk that you understand that people must wait their turn. However, you would be pleased to pay them $100 to work during their lunch to get your documents in a hurry and that way you are not really going to the front of the line because they are working for you on their lunch period.  It may be a bribe, but doesn't sound like it. Also, they are not well paid so money helps.
  4. Namibia is not so advanced and will not have the cross checking that is in the USA.  You might hire an attorney that is connected. So what if cost you $1,000.
  5. You will want a birth certificate.  You might find someone about your age that died and then use that birth certificate to obtain a Namibia ID
  6. Next obtain birth certificates for your children.  They should have different names and slightly different birth dates. It is not that difficult provided you have weeks. However, money will speed the process up. Or you might luck out like the foregoing lady in number 2.
  7. Before returning to the USA, open a Namibia bank account with your new name and ID and obtain a passport. And, hopefully passports for your children. Use an attorney for an address. Also, see about online statements instead of paper statements.  Otherwise, mail to an attorney or some bookkeeper. The fee will be nominal. It just takes a folder to hold the mail.
  8. Airmail the Namibia passport, ID, and birth certificates to your mail drop. You can probably obtain and use the bank or hotel envelope. If a customs form is required, label them documents.  Customs can inspect the mail but it would be extremely rare and even so, they would see that they are documents and send the envelope on its way.   In the extremely unlikely event they are confiscated, they cannot be identified to you and later you can order replacements after returning to the USA using a different mail drop.
  9. If you get joint custody with a favorable outcome from the court and/or your ex-wife turns out to be an excellent single mother giving you reasonable time with your children, then numbers 1 through 8 was insurance you didn't need and you can go about your life.  However, it that is not the case and you need to do what is best for your children then continue making plans to disappear.
  10. Be super nice to your ex-wife letting her know that you accept her decisions but that the children need time with their father doing things your ex-wife approves of.  Ask her permission to see the children and her approval for any activities. She will like being in charge.
  11. You can live on very little if you try. Rent a cheap apartment in a low rent neighborhood or move in with your parents. Buy an older but dependable car with nothing down and payments for three or four years. The court will award your ex-wife enough to live very well while you appear to be living in poverty. For certain your ex-wife is mad at you and has a grudge, even if not justified, so seeing you living in poverty will please her.
  12. You plan is to obtain money. You will need $20,000 and more would be better to live a couple of years in a cabin in a remote area of Namibia without needing to get a job.  This will give your children plenty of time to use their new names and to learn to tell anyone that asks that their mother is an angle in Heaven.
  13. Until you leave, make your rent and utility payments. You bought the car with nothing down and the payments over three years are small enough that you don't build up any equity. Use credit cards for most everything else being diligent to make the minimum payments each month. You don't want any missed payment or late fees. That would harm your credit. That way the credit card companies will increase the limit as you approach it and you can get more credit cards.
  14. Every week or so withdraw from the bank cash.  Some of the cash you will spend, sometimes pay rent or car payment in cash, and the rest you send by Western Union to your Namibia bank account.  You may withdraw money every week and send money to your Namibia bank account at random times every ten days to four weeks.  You don't want to allow any possibility that an investigator may be able to correlate the withdrawals in either dates or amounts to the Western Union deposits.  Most likely Western Union will not ask for any identification. If they do, show your Namibia ID and next time go to a different Western Union.  I have sent $1,000 to $2,000 out of the country several times and have never been asked for an ID.  Don't send money online.  It is expensive and it is not anonymous.  The clerk will give you a receipt with a number. After confirming with Western Union that the money has been delivered, burn the receipt.  Again, don't use your desktop to check. Use your laptop, booting with puppy linux leaving no trace on your laptop, and find a signal you can borrow from some stranger for a few minutes to get on the internet. You don't want anything that can tie you to the Namibia bank.
  15. Your credit card and car debts are money you didn't have to spend and therefore it is money that you deposited in the Namibia bank that you otherwise would not have.  Years later, if you choose, you can pay the debts. Until then, after you leave, it is money they will not be able to collect.
  16. Realize that when you leave, your ex-wife, the law, and the creditors are going to try and find you.  You will leave a several false leads but no good leads.
  17. Don't check on your Namibia bank account too often and when you do, don't use any computer with your IP address. Go to a library and show your Namibia ID, or use a wireless laptop and drive around until you find a signal you can borrow.  Be brief. I suggest using Puppy Linux and boot up with a CD using the memory that is built into your laptop. That way, nothing is stored on your laptop.
  18. Before you leave, buy tickets to South Africa for a month or two in advance in Canada, Mexico, or Central America. Don't buy all the tickets at the same time. If you have two children, buy one for yourself and one child, than a week later from a different source, buy a ticket for your other child.
  19. In addition to your laptop, you need an inexpensive desktop computer.  It is good for leaving false leads. 
  20. A couple of months before you leave, mention to your parents that you may take the children with you and live in commune and that you will not be able to contact them for a few months until you are settled.  Not a hippie commune, you don't want to worry them; perhaps religious and you might mention East Wind in Missouri. That way when you disappear, they will not be so worried. Then call several communes on your phone and email more on your desktop computer.  Delete the emails but leave them in your delete folder. In time the investigators will find the phone calls and emails and they will have to check it out.
  21. A month before you leave schedule a week vacation and let your boss and coworkers know that you are taking your children on vacation. You might mention camping at a national park and Disney World.  When you don't return, that will be another lead for the investigators to check out. When you don't return, they will thing that perhaps you had an accident in a remote national park.  Download, and print information on several vacation places such as Disney World and national parks and leave them on your desk by your computer.
  22. A week before you leave buy in another city an inexpensive car ($1,000 to $2,000). Buy from an individual and pay cash. Don't provide a name. He can sign and the buyer's name can be filled in later.  In the unlikely event he is not agreeable to that, buy from someone else. Keep if parked in the other city and don't drive it until you leave.  Then drive to it and park your car at a big apartment complex or on the street at near several apartments.  When they find it, the lien holder will repossess but it will be another lead the investigators will have to check out.  He will think that perhaps you and the children are living in one of the apartments.
  23. Don't make false leads too obvious but just enough that they can be found with some investigation.
  24. When you leave, just take a suitcase or two. Leave your computer, and most everything else. Don't close your bank account but withdraw most of the money.  Leave $100 or so.  You want everything to appear like you just went on a vacation and will be coming back.
  25. If you have your ex-wife's and/or court approval to take the children for a week, all the better.  However, either way it will not matter much. When you don't return, your ex-wife is going to be calling everyone and then the police. The police will check at work. The boss and coworkers will tell them you took the children on a vacation and you will return to work Monday.
  26. The ex-wife will be frantic and say, "He can't do that" but the police will just tell her to get him for contempt of court.  Even when you don't return to work the following Monday, perhaps you just had car trouble.
  27. You will be gone at least ten days before the police take much an interest. They will check your apartment and find the vacation items you printed and that you still have an account and some money in the bank. They will also, find your clothes, furniture, papers, etc. So it looks like you just went on vacation.  You will just forfeit your next paycheck. You don't want to remove the possibility that you and the children had some accident in some remote national park.  The police may check the airlines, but will not find anything so they will just make a report and not do much else.
  28. It might be a good idea to buy two gold one ounce Krugerrands.  Wrap them in copper foil, crimp or silver solder around the edges and make medallion molds and melt and pour pewter around it. You can wear a religious one around your neck and maybe another on a key chain.  When you empty your pockets at the airport, no one will give them a second look.  However, that is about $2,300 in two gold coins that could come in handy.
  29.  You need to decide whether to fly from Canada or Mexico or Central America.  Canada might be more difficult getting the children across unless you cross at one of the unmanned places that use the honor system where you call. Instead you just drive and don't call.
  30. With some luck you might find a Mexican couple going to Mexico, you can let them drive you to a hotel 20 or so miles from the Airport and pay him by giving him the car and the title.  That way, it never shows up as a possible lead. You can take the hotel limousine to the airport. That way if you need to show identification to enter Mexico and/or Central America, you can use your American ID and children's birth certificates until you catch the plane.
  31. Fly to South Africa and then have someone drive you to Namibia. There is free travel between the two countries.
  32. Rent a cabin in some remote area with a well but no electricity other than a generator. As long as your children have your love and attention, they will be fine.  It will be like camping; they will love it. We evolved for millions of years with nothing modern so modern technology is not what children need.  They do need you love and attention.
  33. Once you get settle in which will take a couple of weeks, close your bank account and buy Krugerrands. That way, just in case an investigator discovers your bank account, the bank will not lead to you. With $20,000, you and the children can easily live a couple of years without your needing to work and you can home school the children.
  34. For at least a year, don't contact your parents, family, or friends.  The investigators will be watching them, talking to them, and using every trick in the book to get information.  They found one person after the investigator had someone call the parents and inform them their son was in a bad accident.  Of course the parents immediately called to verify.
  35. After checking the false leads you left and not getting any information from your parents, family, or friends the case becomes stale and is put on the back burner and forgotten. Certainly the law will not invest more time and money when there are plenty of new and more promising cases to investigate.
You ex-wife is not going to be happy. She will be badmouthing you to everyone she speaks to.  However, don't waste time worrying about her.  With the police not showing much interest, she will hire an investigator who will charge her $20,000 and not give her any good information. She will be angry about that and want her money back, but there is nothing she can do.

The above is not the current prevailing wisdom in Western societies.  However, that does not mean it is not the right thing to do.  The beliefs of most Americans regarding child support are just a flash in the pan in evolutionary terms and would not be considered wisdom in most of the world.

However, these are my view and, except for preventing harm to others, I give little weight to the prevailing beliefs in a society. I don't consider the laws or custom as having validity when they attempt to regulate what should be our personal lives and decisions.  In my opinion, children don't belong to the state. The state didn't make the children; the parents did.  I believe the courts should honor whatever agreements the parents made before having children regardless of their personal views.

If you have different beliefs, you should reject my suggestions.

NOTE: You should visit the site to view these pages. I only made this for a one-run printable version for offline use.